

1. Huang Qiming, a urologist with 411 Hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems, tumors on the genitals, and male sterility, were rising.


2. A urologist with 411 Hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems and male sterility were rising.


3. A urologist with 411 Hospital say occurrences of male diseases like the as prostate problems and male sterility were rising.


4. AUA can refer you to a urologist in your area.


5. A urologist in Hong Kong prescribed medicine for the condition and this has helped.


6. Once a kidney stone is located the urologist typically remoes the crystalline mass with forceps or a "basket" instrument.


7. a doctor who treats people who have urinary tract problems. A urologist also cares for men who have problems with their genital organs, such as impotence.


8. He is urologist and specialist in reproductive medicine at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, the Matthew P.


9. His younger sister, Cindy, is an obstetrician/gynecologist in California.His younger brother, David, is a urologist who lives outside Atlanta.


10. Unless you eat a lot of it," said Ng Chi-fai, a urologist at the Chinese University in Hong Kong.


11. Alternatively, the stenosis could be dilated with an angioplasty balloon catheter, or the urologist could retrieve the guide wire in the bladder.


12. The primary care physician ordered the sonogram in 51 boys (82%), and a general urologist ordered it in 11 boys (18%).


13. Zhang Mei, deputy director of doctors, in the men Branch, a urologist clinical governance nearly 30 years.


14. But at this point I'm asking myself, "why didn't I marry a fiery...urologist?


15. As such, the urologist must be actiely inoled in tract placement.


16. Thus, besides surgical intervention, urologist should pay more attention to teach patients how to prevent stone recurrence.


17. With a suspicious PSA reading, the test is usually repeated, and if it's still high, the physician refers the patient to a urologist to conduct a biopsy.

如果PSA读数可疑,一般要重复检测; 如果读数仍高,医生应让病人去看泌尿科医生并做活检。

18. If the test comes up negative, you may need to see a urologist for an IC evaluation.


19. Dr.Ho Tzu-leung is a distinguished urologist.


20. While no one knows for sure if it really is Napoleon's, uh, manhood, people have paid good money for the penis.Currently, it's in the possession of an American urologist.


21. A team consisting of a gynecologist, urologist, psychiatrist, and sex counselor was responsible for the diagnoses and treatments.


22. We have the training program about PCNL for urologist.


23. n, gynaecologist, pediatrician, neurologist, dermatologist, oculist E.N.T.specialist, traditional medicine doctor, allergist, urologist, orthopedist, dentist, endocrinologlst).


24. Hemospemia means presence of blood in semen, and it is often regarded as a symptom of little significance by the urologist.


25. For leaking urine and faeces, it is quite bit unusal for young age, you should go to see a urologist surgeon for examination and find out the cause, like abnormal tract(fistula).


26. Finally, initial access obtained by the urologist is associated with less bleeding and higher stone-free rates.


27. This report also reviews the anatomic and technical access to the kidney and reminds the urologist about this rare but serious complication of PCNL.


28. This paper reviews the pharmacologic agents available to the urologist in the expulsive therapy of ureteral stones without infection.


29. "These mice were not receiving treatment and we were allowing aggressive tumors to grow unchecked for the sake of the experiment," said study investigator Freedland, a urologist at Duke.


30. Pediatric Urologist, Kropp. of Faculty of 1000 Medicine, will be giving his patients undergoing reconstructive surgery a piece of gum following their operation.


31. Once his work-up came back unrevealing, the urologist suggested a cystoscopy.


32. The urologist can look for physical problems in the genitourinary tract.


33. Dr Wang Xiang is a very nice and kind urologist.


34. Open surgical ligation, performed by a urologist, is the most common treatment for symptomatic varicoceles in the U.S.


35. Patients were either followed at one of the participating departments, the referring urologist or the family doctor.


36. May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologists, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the I.R.S.

祝你没有收到下列医生的帐单, 你的牙医, 心脏医生, 消化科医生, 泌尿科医生, 直肠专科医生, 脚病专科医生, 心理医生, 也没有收到水管工和国税局的帐单。

37. Blood tests provide the urologist with a hormone profile.


38. Hospital urologist told reporters, still can not find the exact cause of the illness.


39. This information was important for pre-operative planning and allowed one step extensive surgery which called for the collaboration of the pathologist, urologist and colorectal surgeon.


40. Essentially, the incompetent ein is “shut off” internally by preenting blood flow, accomplishing what the urologist does, but without surgery.


41. The high failure rate in surgery of ED is due to venous leakage which has led to these techniques being abandoned by almost all urologist.

静脉漏性ED的手术治疗远期效果不佳 ,已不是最佳选择 ;
