

1. The utilitarian interest-balancing of the Goldberg and Mathews decisions, which remains the dominant approach to due process today, has the advantage of being flexible in application and functional in approach.


2. During the CR, a self-imposed policy of cultural isolation was enacted, and in response to the political needs of the time, there were some peculiar positions taken in the utilitarian explication of certain parts of traditional culture.


3. Limited Government: The Utilitarian Approach


4. "The most important thing is not utilitarian, promising not even profitable companies have to take an active interest.


5. A good cloth coat is more utilitarian than a fur one.


6. A rule utilitarian believes that our conduct should be guided by estimating the utility not of any single, particular action, but of the general practice of that kind of act.


7. Once inside, not all is so strictly utilitarian.


8. Utilitarian Locating Plates Algorithm Designation


9. Not terribly attractive, but utilitarian without a doubt.


10. Don't use words like quietude and utilitarian.


11. Whether knapsacks, or utilitarian pouches, bags are big news now.


12. There is no "ism" in the world that transcends utilitarian considerations; in class society there can be only the utilitarianism of this or that class.


13. The exteriors of Chinese cars tend to have simple curves and straight lines that are easy for factories to stamp out of steel, but look starkly utilitarian by Western standards.


14. The company is also reining in its engineers who have been designing new features that occasionally appear to be out of character with the company's utilitarian roots.


15. In order to discern between right and wrong in these cases, international business ethics uses three methods of analysis: the deontological method, utilitarian method,and method of applying justice.


16. The student accommodationis strictly utilitarian.


17. For example, a fairness-based theory of torts might consider future consequences in assessing legal rules, and even utilitarian legal theories must use ex ante information when evaluating particular cases.


18. Maybe because of her intuition and instinct ,never utilitarian, her photos always reflect the most simplehearted and natural aesthetic feeling.


19. That breasts vary so much in size is a good clue to their not being utilitarian like hands or eyes.


20. In the process of transforming the nature and society, if human beings don't abandon the utilitarian view of value, they can't avoid worthless existence, or head for the free kingdom.


21. Being a kind of sociological theory and system,its creatia and evolution results from the human's utilitarian options.


22. It was not much to look at on the outside, but the two main rooms were comfortable if Spartan and reflected Rand's utilitarian nature.


23. From its utilitarian origins, skating has developed along several different lines-speed skating, figure skating and skating games.


24. Shaobugengshi from 000 to over the world, not flashy, not proud, like a deep midnight blues in the utilitarian world of football flowing slowly.


25. He does not want his utilitarian attitude toward her to be exposed.


26. They also know to undertake caressing to the wife, but it is to stem from utilitarian purpose likewise.


27. He refused to utilitarian in nature, refused attribution, refused to contract.


28. His early opposition to a goal-directed ethical structure foreshadows his later opposition to teleological conceptions of morality, whether utilitarian or perfectionist.


29. He was too much of a utilitarian and practically -minded observer.


30. He was the eldest of the nine children of James Mill, the chief disciple of Bentham and one of the most important leaders in the Utilitarian movement in England.


31. For the first time he realized that eating was something more than a utilitarian function.


32. He is very down to earth and is a real utilitarian.

他那个人很现实, 是个十足的功利主义者。

33. The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his“ utilitarian” philosophy.


34. The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his "utilitarian" philosophy.


35. To me, rather than saying that it is an inevitable trend, it shows the utilitarian mentality of universities, students and the society.


36. Although his long-cherished wish hadn't come true, today the utilitarian viewpoint of nationality, rational viewpoint of religion, tolerant viewpoint of culture is more valued for us.


37. However, in the area of market-directed economy, the principle of honesty putted out no matter from morality utilitarian or from morality idealism, does not possess universality.


38. But fundamentally, it performs an unglamorous function in a utilitarian way.


39. But the situation without trade is not a philosophically noteworthy benchmark under either libertarian or utilitarian perspectives.


40. Amnesty is an institutionalized forgiveness.The essence of amnesty is different totally from the utilitarian value of pardon system.


41. In this paper, we will present the seismic feature parameters by dynamic window method to build an utilitarian technology in predicting oil and gas speedily and effectively using seismic data.


42. They illustrate that consumer recovery preferences can largely be captured by three types of internalized cultural models that consumers rely on: relational, oppositional, and utilitarian.


43. The vow China made to ensure media freedoms in its bid for the Beijing Olympics, for example, was utilitarian and insincere.


44. The rites, which are merged with the cultures of the Confucianists, Buddhism, Taoism and sorcery, reflect Zhuang people's hazy religious idea and realistic utilitarian attitudes toward life.


45. The company is also swithing the balance of its products, from the primarily craft and gift image which still occupies the majority of its catalogue, to more utilitarian products and foodstuffs.


46. On Utilitarian Nature of Public Interest Advertisement


47. The dimension of career decision-making attitude included five factors: activeness, independence, confidence, utilitarian and decisiveness.


48. The practical and utilitarian purpose of the vocation education at that time was characteristic and successful.


49. Actuallyt,he reason for their cooperation and break- up was that they held utilitarian philosophy of life, so their cooperation was short of potentialities.


50. The academic foundation of the criminal record institution is the inherent unification of nemesis foundation and utilitarian target.


51. We have already touched upon the first aspect-how shame leads us to conceal sexual values so that they don't produce a merely utilitarian reaction in another person.


52. While utilitarian way of thinking is practical in dealing with this problem.


53. Sidgwick's theory about three problems of utilitarian principle attracts more and more attention and discussion.


54. Law is solid and utilitarian use utilitarian analysis of the legal situation and to create a law school.


55. Utilitarian benefit"s theory and deontology based upon rights give me enlightenment.This paper falls into four chapters.


56. They stood firmly but on their own utilitarian ground for all the principles of liberalism in law and government.


57. Tendency of Utilitarian - based Learning


58. utilitarian orientation of value


59. utilitarian reference group influence


60. The Cultural Revenge for Utilitarian Study


61. The utilitarian outlook of war was in favor of politicians and strategists who were in the center of political and military struggle.


62. In the Southern Song dynasty, as the representative of the School of Zhe Dong Shi Gong, Chen Liang's moral education thought just like his economic and military ones, has utilitarian tendency.


63. As for Singapore, besides utilitarian concerns, the historical baggage due to political reasons remains a burden.


64. The vessels that have been found are often plain and utilitarian.


65. Xie Kuo is the utilitarian ideologist with famous period of the Southern Song Dynasty, to be being weighed lineally feudality the principle did this curb end the first to deny directly.


66. Its origin dates back to ancient times, when craftsmen reproduced their signatures, or "marks" on their artistic or utilitarian products.


67. The meaning of a strict friendship is a psychic village of a people to search all life.In the searching way where there is no any utilitarian signs.


68. Such punishment might, in a particular case, maximize utility, but it is doubtful that the general practice of “telishment” would meet utilitarian standards.


69. Beneath the features of the utilitarian, fashion also implicates other aesthetic features, including ultra-utilitarian, novel, infectious, and with features of vanguard and sensibility.


70. On the utilitarian side American education has outstridden the rest of the world.


71. utilitarian considerations in industrial design.


72. Before applying the utilitarian method, one must determine which institution can neutrally apply these steps with the interests of all stakeholders in mind.


73. Such values are especially important to strengthen us in a world where relationships are often utilitarian and fair weather friends abound.


74. Philip, who caused tanks to be cut in its sandstone bed in order to conserve water, called it the Tank Stream, a hideously utilitarian name.


75. In the selection, he attempts to clarify the utilitarian standard.


76. In that case there may be a utilitarian rationale for the following laws prescribing undeserved punishment.


77. University Utility and Utilitarian Universities


78. If you are a Utilitarian redistributionist, the height tax is like that awful tasting vegetable your mother served up because it is good for you.


79. They can support different levels of humanistic and enlightened critique against utilitarian or technical approaches to globalising modernisation.


80. Their crystal bodies may be carved with symbols promising death to psionic beings or simply, bear utilitarian psionic tattoos.

