

1. The vita valu pack contains all essential vitamins from A to Z.


2. Reference value (emission content): Obtain the valu e by any of the following methods.


3. Zhang Hailong, born on Jul.7th, 1947.Graduated from Financial and Accounting College, Mr.Zhang is a senior accountant, a Certified Public Accountants (CPA), as well as a Certified Public Valuer (CPV)。


4. In 2006, the Haier brand fetched a valu...


5. CT scanning is of great valu...


6. Ltd [1997] AC191 which dealt with the proper assessment of damages that flowed from a valuer's negligent valuation of a property.


7. “Historically, we know that Napoleon had had toothache in 1816 and this was put down to a mouth inflammation diagnosed as scurvy,” valuer Chris Albury said.


8. “Tomato garden” provides a good platform for the timing decision of investment, which is very helpful to analyze the firm valu...


9. Boss valu peopl who do their job and look around for, creat or ask for more real work.


10. Two new companies of all workers are shareholders, the equity ratio for the establishment of the Board of Trustees of higher valuer, valuers than ordinary workers.


11. A ne ural architecture was given to process fuzzy input vectors and output fuzzy valu e.


12. The microcrystalline parameter bears a direct relationship to the evolutionary level of the kerogen, i.e. the higher the maturity, the higher the valu...


13. valuer assessed/evaluated/valuated the house at 250,000 yuan.


14. Learn how to analyze financial statements in order to place a value on your business; define the purpose and uses of business valuation, and perform various valu...


15. They sent a valuer to assess the value of the house.


16. Value of enterprise: creats more valu for the society,the enterprise,the staffs constantly.


17. The valuer put the value of the stock at $25,000.


18. 7.While getting the valuation done, the branch must write directly to the valuer seeking their valuation report.


19. Valuation report should be obtained from a reputed valuer.


20. valuer's fee


21. As a qualified valuer to assess not only requires skilled expertise, but also have a wide range of economic, legal, architectural, financial and other aspects of knowledge.


22. Thi wai you can repriorit your effort for high valu results.


23. Perloff P.The prognostic valu of ambulatoru blood pressure, JAMA, 1983,249:2792.


24. Guan Sheng, General Manager of Huanggang Branch. He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser.


25. Keywords medical-equipment;cost of repair;valu;


26. This paper enumerates,analyses and evaluates practical engineering conditions to demonstrate slope maintenance technology,which have important valu...


27. And a tenth part of the herd and of the flock, whatever goes under the rod of the valuer, will be holy to the Lord.


28. Liu Xiaofeng, General Manager of Shiyan Branch. He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser.


29. Keywords hydrogenation;bsae oil;catalyst;hydrogen;neutralization valu


30. No one knows the valu of health until he loses it.

只有当人们失去健康时, 才知道它的价值.

31. VALU: Vector Arithmetic logic Unit


32. Keywords Poem Prefaces in the Pre-Tang Dynasty;Poem Prefaces in the Tang Dynasty;Literary thought;Style Nature;Literary Characteristics;Documentary Valu;


33. real estate valuer


34. It must be explicitly stated in the letter to the valuer that the report of the valuer will have a significant bearing on the decision of the Bank.


35. In such cases, the Valuer will normally estimate Market Value by considering the highest and best use of the property as improved.


36. Based upon widely soliciting for the land valuer’s ideas,the author design the structure and the flow chart of the system.


37. So in popular shoes, it is not only the quality that matters.It is also the valu...


38. If judgment goes against the government, it would be forced to reconsider the terms set out to the independent valuer.


39. Examples show that the new formula to calculate background valu e of non-equidistance series makes GM(1,1) model have a very high fitting and f orecasting precision.


40. I think LZ means Property Valuer in building or housing industry.


41. During the growth period,the N 2 O emission reached the maximum value during booting period,and the emiss ion peak value was advance date. At the later period of t he growth,the N 2 O emission was weak,and the peak valu e was delayed.


42. Especially, the transform from the selection of the best work range of the snowslide tube to the selection of the plus of the preamplifier has great practical valu...


43. Each has its own merits in particular situations, and ideally a valuer should use a combination of methodologies and investigate and understand any apparent contradictions in the results.


44. Belonging to the business of land valuer required in the application form to the upper left hand is your land assessment agencies.


45. c-known function of a known point in the function, polynomial interpolation using Lagrange points obtained a function of the remaining valu...


46. The establishment and operation of real estate valuation agencies, registered real estate valuer and registered real estate agents credit files.


47. I greatly appreciate the valu of this pictures !!


48. W aim o provi our cusomrs high qualiy a srvics, h bs valu a slcio of jwlry i h worl.


49. Risk free rate: The Chinese valuer used a local currency one year deposit rate number (2-3%). International investors use the standard US$ T-bond rates (5-6%).


50. The centre has invited well-known licensed property valuer, Mr.Ernest Cheong and an experienced lawyer, Ms.Low Wei Yuan to give their professional views on the matters.


51. Based on the valu eobjective of environmental statistics,the indexes about information assessment of environmental statistics are proposed and discussed.


52. The reference book of this book is the reference book of “Certified Public Valuer test of China”, containing a large number of case studies and calculation, and after-class exercises.


53. Content of your resume should be selected strategically to support your focus and valu...

核心提示: An resume should include only the last ten years of experience.

54. WANG Zeng- qi forms a mental ideal in w hich the meaning of life based on Chin ese traditional culture and harmonious concept of cultural valu e, harmonizes with cultural selecti on.


55. The Civil Responsibilities of a Certified Public Valuer


56. Haier is among the first brands named famous Chinese brands. In 2006, the Haier brand fetched a valu...


57. Xiong Haojun, General Manager of Huangshi Branch. He is certified Land Valuer.


58. Have a house assessed by a valuer


59. Bai Jijun, General Manager of Yichang Branch. He is Certified Land Valuer and Real Estate Appraiser.


60. Objective To study the cause of lumbar degenera tive spondylolisthesis and the valu e of CT diagnosis.


61. instantaneous valu

瞬时值, 即时值

62. After tested and verified practically, this method has the merit such as accurate result, fast operational speed and elegant chart.The sue valu...


63. Conclusion Through the cilinical and ultrasonic character of acute testisache by several etiology,we can judge the etiology.It has very important valu...


64. Conclusion: Ergonovine provocation has diagnortic valu for the coronary spasm to some extent.


65. When the human thought reflects in the field of artistic philosophy,it must embody the ethical,natural,romantic valu...


66. Hu Wei, General Manager of Xiangfan Branch. He is certified Land Valuer, Real Estate Appraiser.


67. The government will pay compensation to investors at a level determined by an independent valuer.


68. It is the self - discipline behavior norm that valuer must follow in the professional service in order to set up valuer's occupationalreputation and professional position.


69. We demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically that nonlinear interactions vanish for some valu...


70. Shares in the bank will be suspended before trading. The government will pay compensation to investors at a level determined by an independent valuer.


71. Argument: Aspiration in itself is not wrong, neither is being controlled byw various aspirations, for morality seemingly is an subjective valuer of humanity.


72. Outspread curves gained in this way were more veracious and could enhance the fabricating efficiency, so we said this method was valu...


73. Freedom of choice is another American valu not absent from school life.


74. The criter ion is much better to reflect a practical meaning and has an application valu e in some degree for defining current firing table.


75. Focus full-time registered real estate valuer inspection.


76. The financial institution will appoint a property valuer from its panel of valuers to appraise the property.


77. In allusion to the problem of the quantification of the function and cost, the article give the primary resolution to the difficulty, and introduce simply the using of valu...

针对目前价值分析中功能成本量化方面存在的问题 ,给出了初步的解决方法 ,并简要介绍了价值分析在价值管理中的具体应用。

78. Written valuation report prepared by the banks internal external qualified valuers, or banks internal valuer plus verbal valuation by an external qualified valuer including justifications on the appraisal value.


79. Appendix III: Letter From The Independent Property Valuer In Relation To Rental Income

