

1. Our army veritably can do is a self-consolation, not self-defense.The U.

..................... 如果是别的国家的渔船靠近钓鱼台,日本是不可能如此的,我们必须面对现实, 就是我们很好欺负,个性温和,总是逆来顺受。

2. What is real-life?Why did he leave me?I didn’t understand veritably.


3. Under this condition, the isolated ratio will be elevated consumedly and the diversity will be reflected veritably.


4. for another, to supervise the trustee so that they will veritably fulfill the trust contract.


5. Master and accumulate certain item's rules, the prominence of individual can be carried ext veritably.


6. Inside him ,there came a lonely vocality ,a vocality from something which was coming apart piece by piece, bit by bit ,veritably,and then,withered away numbly.


7. “His death in Paris last Saturday by his own hand represents the veritably tragic wreck of a career which in its sphere was unsurpassed by that of any individual in living memory,” it said.


8. Moreover, Coming of Age was supposed to become a veritably Belgian artifact and a product of Milow's own experience.


9. and so it was exceedingly painful to see him stand there, as serene as a graven image, and deliver himself of answers which were veritably miraculous for stupidity and ignorance.

此刻他站在那儿,呆若木鸡,回答问题时的愚昧无知真是荒谬绝伦,叫人看了十分痛心。 我的怜悯心都被他激发起来了。

10. Veritably establish the courage to express yourself.


11. The one who veritably doing education would never expect making money from it,but the rich would donate money to it.


12. Veritably, neednt miss him so much


13. What’s more, former relationships are a reflection of your life which truly exists, things which were veritably happening.


14. The idea of binomen for plants was not new, but the terms failed to be veritably fixed and accepted.


15. Moskva slezam ne verit, Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,


16. The streets are clean and devoid of miscreants, the businesses do their best not to charge too high of prices for their wares, and common crime is veritably non-existent.

街道是干净并且没有流浪汉, 企业尽他们最大的努力不让他们的商品价格过分提高, 并且一般意义上的罪行确实是不存在的。

17. If we want to be in sustainable development veritably, we must achieve that all the ratios of various ecological footprint and ecological capacity less than 1.


18. and finally comes the significance of teaching's return to life.All in all,this return is in essence a guarantee for the veritably vivacious teaching.


19. It must need nonlinear method to reflect essence of the time series veritably.


20. The testing data prove that the testing can simulate the parameters for parts in rocket flying state veritably, and provide the cryogenic judge for the performances of the rocket parts as well.


21. The two mistakes result in the project fund can not be used veritably to planning the real “wetland” park, and misdirect the concept of “ecological priority”.


22. None but we understand the traditional culture deeply, could we veritably innovate and develop the painting art of our country.


23. and demi-experiences of the life that is in nature are in time veritably future, or rather outside to time, perennial, young, divine, in the wind and rain which never die.

