

1. "Liu Fang is a foremost representative of the young generation of pipa soloists in combining the taste for tradition with virtuosity, which enables her to exploit the potential of her instrument as far as is humanly possible."

"刘芳是青年一代琵琶演奏家的杰出代表. 她把传统琵琶演奏与现代音乐知识有效地结合起来, 将琵琶艺术推向新的高度."

2. "Liu Fang captures the soul of the pipa, a Chinese lute, ... for her delicate and spirited virtuosity."

"刘芳精湛的技艺和充满活力的演奏表现了琵琶的灵魂, 感人挚深..."

3. 6."Liu Fang captures the soul of the pipa, a Chinese lute,... for her delicate and spirited virtuosity."


4. "virtuosity is not an outgrowth, but an indispensable element of music."


5. "The pipa, lute of Chinese origin, is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world. Liu Fang captures well the spirit of this instrument by her virtuosity....

"源于中国的琵琶具有悠久的历史, 是世界上最古老的乐器之一. 刘芳的演奏表现了琵琶的灵魂..."

6. He has specially created an inspiring new work that focuses on his hallmark technical virtuosity and fluidity.


7. H.Auden, who remarked in his introduction on the young poet's technical virtuosity.


8. 94.Without that character or personality, a work of art is dead, and no amount of virtuosity or mere perfection of technique can save it from lifelessness or lack of vitality.


9. At a major concert held in Nashville City, Gong Pengpeng, a child piano prodigy from Julliard Music School, the top U.S. conservatory, astonishes the audience with his virtuosity.


10. In addition to Silk Road's strong performance skills and virtuosity with instruments, Village Tales features English singing by Vancouver opera sensation and bass guitarist Willy Miles.


11. He held a variety of posts as an organist, rapidly gaining in fame for his virtuosity and ability.


12. His virtuosity on a $5,000 banjo won consistent applause.


13. His combination of virtuosity, strength and passion was unprecedented.


14. a performer whose grace, skill, and virtuosity enthral his audiences


15. a pianist famous for his virtuosity


16. Ignacy Jan Paderewski was a Polish pianist whose name was once synonymous with the highest level of piano virtuosity.


17. Bernstein combined the idioms of ethnic folk music and jazz with the virtuosity of a symphonist


18. But he soon realized that the world of guitar virtuosity was not for him.


19. As a genre, ragtime requires strict attention to structure, not inventiveness or virtuosity.


20. What talent would you like to have? To play the piano. With virtuosity.


21. Liu Fang is a foremost representative of the young generation of pipa soloists in combining the taste for tradition with virtuosity,which enables her to exploit the potential of her instrument as far as is humanly possible.

刘芳是青年一代琵琶演奏家的杰出代表,她把传统琵琶演奏与现代音乐知识有效地结合起来, 将琵琶艺术推向新的高度。

22. Liu Fang captures the soul of the pipa,a Chinese lute,for her delicate and spirited virtuosity.


23. Although Ms.Bao Ying is in her early thirties, her performance is one of breathtaking virtuosity, marvelously appealing.


24. As chemists began to pry out my secret they discovered my virtuosity


25. And even the most impressive sequences have an empty, arty virtuosity.


26. Intricate choreographer emphasized the beauty and virtuosity of the nineteenth-century prima ballerina, while the male dancer functioned only as her partner until the twentieth century.


27. A brilliant display, as of rhetoric or wit, or of virtuosity in the performing arts


28. Throughout the work, both instruments share the limelight without a hint of virtuosity, and the impact of the composition is found in the intense beauty of the music.


29. Under Paganini' influence, pianists began to devote themselves in further refining their performing techniques, thus more piano works for emphasizing virtuosity were composed.


30. The art of independent virtuosity took on new importance in his hands.


31. Tartini's amazement at the devil's extraordinary virtuosity was so great that it took his breath away.


32. The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.


33. Bao Ying is in her early thirties, her performance is one of breathtaking virtuosity, marvelously appealing.


34. Both were commissioned as part of a broader effort to revive industrial port cities that have long been in decline;both are dazzling displays of virtuosity.


35. pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity; a pyrotechnic wit.


36. The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world


37. I'm sure the Chinese audiences will love the two pieces we are presenting as they both display the extraordinary technical virtuosity and charisma of the dancers.


38. a performance of breathtaking virtuosity


39. People should be educated to actualize their good-nature such that they would discharge their obligations out of their own initiative.Law should only be resorted to when virtuosity could not work.

换而 言之,以严刑作阻吓,使人民不敢违法,用厚赏作鼓励,使人民乐于守法,以达到对社会的绝对控制。

40. In ancient China, people, virtuosity in cuisine are called "PaoRen".They lived in a low social hierarchy, therefore, are considered to be the persons walking in the political boundary.


41. matchless virtuosity at the keyBoard.


42. A Link from the Past Seen in: A Link to the Past; Link's Awakening Special Abilities Musical virtuosity; Being a fluffy pink bunny


43. Hao Liang, from Chongqing, blends his technical virtuosity in Chinese ink with a macabre vision that intermingles Song Dynasty portraiture with Tudor and Elizabethan imagery.


44. Jesse S.Somer is a storyteller spinning tales in the nebulous reality of virtuosity.


45. "The first time I saw Fang perform, I was amazed at her discipline and her level of virtuosity on the pipa and guzheng. ..." - Dugg Simpson, Artistic director, Vancouver Folk Music Festival.

温哥华民族音乐节艺术总监 Dugg simpson 先生写到 "我第一次见到刘芳的琵琶及古筝表演就不能不为她精湛的技艺及高超的演奏家风范所震憾..."

46. An exciting or spectacular display, as of musical virtuosity.


47. risk originality and virtuosity


48. The album's own overall effect is one of virtuosity, an inspired Vangelis at a high point in his musicianship.


49. a short composition for a solo instrument; intended as an exercise or to demonstrate technical virtuosity.


50. a piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's virtuosity


51. The final movement is in the form of a fugal Gigue, the character of which is determined by the agitated 9/8 rhythm and the continually intensifying virtuosity of the soloist.


52. an exciting or spectacular display,as of musical virtuosity


53. orchestral/technical virtuosity


54. A piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's virtuosity.


55. “I was first impressed by the technical virtuosity of many of these young artists, but the element that really astonished me was the uniqueness of their individual visions.


56. But Lenovo owes its success more to retailing acumen than technological virtuosity.


57. Chopin, “the poet of the piano,” was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin’s more refined genius.


58. They have always had a passion for virtuosity complemented by charismatic theatricality and is committed to promoting programmes which have a wide appeal.


59. To most of the people, this kind of virtuosity is unimagineable, but this set of the Chopin Etudes never touch my heart.

虽然身边不少朋友说很喜欢这个版本, 不过, 经过我多次反复听, 都是一样, 始终觉得里面少了点令我感动的元素。

60. Although his music is among the most technically demanding for the instrument, Chopin's style emphasizes nuance and expressive depth rather than mere technical virtuosity.


61. a passage requiring soloistic virtuosity;a balanced ensemble with no soloistic egos.


62. a passage requiring soloistic virtuosity; a balanced ensemble with no soloistic egos.


63. Zhannifu-commence singing jump to the abundance of physical and table of exquisite virtuosity to build a more worship of the world movement.


64. This Barolo reflects the most typical style of the wines virtuosity and aristocracy.


65. a pyrotechnic wit; pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity.


66. Nominated* for two Oscars, this "work of breathtaking virtuosity" (Playboy) is further proof that Allen "is the premier American filmmaker of his day" (The New York Times)!


67. The closeness of the mimicry expresses the people's love for nature and the intense scrutiny of ordinary life by folk artists, as well as their virtuosity in performance.


68. These elements, along with the musical virtuosity of the guitarists, combine to create a performance which, once seen, is never forgotten.


69. Operating a pitch of delirious precision, the movie is a rich, cartoonish dream: non-stop Op art, and a triumph of virtual virtuosity.


70. By the way, the music at this event was played by a man with a cittern, who not only performed with virtuosity, but also with a sense of humour.


71. Huang Zhen was better as the danseur in the second cast with his noble bearing and easy virtuosity.

