

1. Within a weakly fored synotic scale environment,convective activity was trigged by boundary layer convergence.


2. The wind drying soil could absorb N2O weakly in the incubation experiments.

6 风干土存在吸收N_2O的现象,但吸收的强度较小,变异性较大。

3. EGFR was especially stong stained where cell actively proliferated and stained weakly during late stage of tooth morphogenesis and differentiation.


4. Fas antigen was weakly expressed on HL-60 cells.


5. The KMV model doesn"t have high demands for the effectiveness of the stock market, so it is more adaptab!e to weakly effective market like our country.


6. P53 and WT1 are negative in most cases or weakly focally positive in few cases.


7. "No, I can't," said Carrie weakly, very much drawn toward the proposition and yet fearful.

“不行,我演不上来的。 "嘉莉反对得并不起劲,她被这个提议深深吸引住了,可是又感到胆怯。

8. "You must not say that," she said, weakly.


9. What do you mean?@ Paul asked weakly.


10. "But to-morrow's wash day," she objected weakly.


11. The library's different,@ Harold said weakly.


12. Am I going to die? ' he murmured weakly.


13. "I'd like to get out of here," says the Hindu boy weakly.


14. "I thought I had you," he said, weakly.


15. "Miss--Miss Courtland," Bamberger faltered weakly.


16. "Nothing," said Carrie, weakly.


17. "No-no-no," Rick responded weakly, as Lron spun the gargantuan wheel and the ship took up its approach.


18. "Thank you," said Carrie weakly.


19. One morning, the store a ragged man, pour weakly in front of the stone.


20. What sun there is this time of year shines weakly, halfheartedly through the white gauze of clouds, offering not even the slightest pretense of warmth.


21. Its small wick flickered weakly, illuminating only a small part of the room.


22. My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, "Good-by, Money.


23. Weakly agreed to a compromise.


24. He was not, it may be added, a man weakly to accept defeat.


25. Similarly, in weakly typed languages even the argument and return types of a method could be expressed using metadata.


26. In contrast to chlorine, iodophors bind only very weakly to deposits, and thus organic matter does not inhibit their bactericidal activity.


27. It is not a true shower at all, but is rather a region of sky in which a number of variably, if weakly, active minor showers have their radiants.


28. Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes.


29. China is a developing country with a huge population, weakly base and underdeveloped economy, especially underdeveloped agriculture.


30. In order to solve the problem,the calculation formula of microwave attenuation constant and phase constant of weakly ionized dusty plasma was deduce.


31. In fact, it takes a special instrument to detect the electric pulses made by a group of fish known as"weakly electric fish".

事实上, 要想探测一种叫做“弱电鱼”的鱼群所发出的电脉冲需要一种特殊的设备才行。

32. In fact, it takes a special instrument to detect the electric pulses made by a group of fish known as“weakly electric fish”.


33. The effects of interfering torques are discussed from the aspect of two-order weakly damped control systems.


34. He was so ashamed that he folded his hands weakly, as he sat in the chair afterwards, and thought.

他太羞愧了。 事后他就无精打采地坐在椅子里,两手交叉,沉思着。

35. He weakly gets up.He sees Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed approaching and smiles.


36. He smiled weakly, lit a cigarette himself, which was a mistake, if he intended to indicate aplomb. His hands shook.


37. His father smiled weakly in a forlorn attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.


38. His hand strayed limply to the place where the pearl was hidden under his clothes. “They will find it”, he said weakly.


39. He looked at the mess and smiled weakly.

他看着这一片狼藉, 勉强地笑了笑。

40. He moaned weakly, begging for his captors to remove the resplendent collar.


41. Diethylaminoethyl hydroethylate (DEAE-E/H), a kind of macroporous weakly basic anion exchanger, was used as carrier to immobilize aminoacylase.


42. But Mr Bofinger's comments highlight economists' fears that Europe's largest economy remains vulnerable and will perform weakly in years to come.


43. But we are too weakly in front of the powerful government.


44. But at least I knew then that our accelerators were manufacturing all those weakly interacting massive particles.


45. Low energy cost is only weakly related to energy efficiency.


46. You also know that machines such as airplanes can fly, but airplanes are only weakly suggestive of birds.


47. You have to hit the ball up so it clears the net, but not hit it so weakly that your opponent has an easy pass.


48. Combeferre was upholding it weakly.


49. Title: Decomposition of trace class operators in weakly closed modules over nest algebras.


50. The time estimate of the blow-up of the weakly damped forced KdV equation in thin 2D domains is given.


51. After these words, the farmer died painfully and weakly.


52. These forms are weakly related, Libicki states, and the overall concept of IW is not very coherent.


53. When we weakly and tiredly lie on our bed in the evening, we'll think over the places we went in the past day.


54. Laura leaned weakly against the door.


55. On the other hand , salt of weakly electropositive elements hydrolyze and may form oxysalts.


56. Other young fellow Fu Tianyu defeated contestant Yang Xiyun by weakly the superiority the position row group first also to enter 1/4 finals.


57. As long as the insect remains in the odor stream, fairly direct or weakly zigzag flight paths are maintained until it overshoots the odor source.


58. The acrylic fibre with weakly acidic group has a low saturation value.


59. While chalcopyrite adsorbs gold most weakly with its adsorption capacity 9% only.

吸附性相对最弱的是黄铜矿,吸附量仅为9 %。

60. While chalcopyrite adsorbs gold most weakly with its adsorption capacity 9%only.


61. Carrie was standing in the wings, weakly waiting her next cue, all the snap and nerve gone out of her.


62. Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs (eg, aspirin) are more readily absorbed from an acid medium (stomach) than are weak bases (eg, quinidine).


63. Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs( eg, aspirin) are more readily absorbed from an acid medium( stomach) than are weak bases( eg, quinidine).


64. Figure 5. Shear and bulk modulus relation for sandstone and weakly cemented sands.


65. Soil avalanches occur in some weakly cemented fine-grained materials, such as loess, that form steep stable slopes under nonseismic conditions.


66. SVM is used to classify, which weakly depends on the quantity and quanlity of training samples.


67. The area monitorings may have more importance than that for individuals in the protection against exposures to weakly penetratingradiation.


68. With regard to attacking cities, resolutely seize all enemy fortified points and cities which are weakly defended.


69. Elena sat up weakly,smiling.She reached for the tray,making it wobble on Giorgio's knees.


70. The results show that the expression of BMP2 was up-regulated in the skin in telogen, Whereas it expressed weakly in anagen.


71. After processing the soft references, the set of weakly reachable objects is identified - objects for which no strong or soft references exist.


72. Many asteroids are weakly bound piles of rubble, held together by their own minute gravitational attraction.


73. To fail or end weakly, especially after a hopeful beginning.


74. Wrest all weakly defended cities from the enemy. Wait until conditions mature and then capture powerfully defended cities.


75. Decomposition of trace class operators in weakly closed modules over nest algebras.


76. She gazed weakly at him and said: "Well, what do you think you will do?


77. She whispered weakly before she fell unconscious.


78. Her research is on the structures of weakly bound atoms.


79. She looked liked a wounded soldier, carrying her rusted rifle walking weakly.


80. She whispered a few words weakly before she fell down.

