

1. "This is the biggest, weightiest opportunity of my life," Yao said. "Intense pressure goes hand-in-hand with major competitions."


2. "This is the biggest, weightiest opportunity of my life," Yao said.


3. "This is the biggest, weightiest opportunity of my life.


4. "This is the biggest, weightiest opportunity of my life. Intense pressure goes hand-in-hand with major competitions."


5. but when I reflect that the acceptance of the office which with their partiality has bestowed imposes the discharge of the most arduous duties and involves the weightiest obligations,


6. This is good news because its democratisation releases the untapped ingenuity of people everywhere and that could help solve some of the world's weightiest problems.


7. Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results, but that is outside the scope of this essay.


8. The management of state-owned enterprises (SOE) by law is one of the weightiest issues of the state-ruling by law.


9. Of all the calls on Hoover not to sign the bill, perhaps the weightiest was a petition signed by 1,028 American economists.


10. Yes. And I am the fattest and weightiest of us three.


11. To train the character of humankind is one of the weightiest commandments of God, and the influence of such training is the same as that which the sun exerteth over tree and fruit.


12. This is the biggest, weightiest opportunity of my life, Yao said.

