

1. "The FIA, the teams and our commercial partners will now continue to work to ensure the wellbeing of formula one in 2010 and beyond," the governing body added.


2. "Following a diet which contains foods rich in naturally occurring serotonin will improve your mood, leaving you energised and in a state of harmony and wellbeing," Dr Longmore said.


3. 12.Connect with Nature: I find spending time outdoors in nature is great for my sense of wellbeing.

12. 亲近自然:我觉得花时间在户外可以给我带来不寻常的幸福感。

4. The score of the end of 6-minute walking was reduced more in aerobic training and abdominal respiratory group than in Qigong group Wellbeing score increased more in aerobic training and Qigong group than in abdominal respiratory group.

3种方法都能降低6min走Brog评分以腹式呼吸和有氧训练为显著 ,提高健康感积分以有氧训练和气功锻炼为著。

5. ANS products, can assist in body building, recovery from physical exercise and assist consumers to reach their personal wellbeing goals.


6. Joe Wilcox, a business analyst who watches Apple, said the decision casts new doubt on Jobs's wellbeing.


7. One of the most important barometers of a region's ecological wellbeing are its rivers.


8. A good man always puts his family's wellbeing first.


9. Insist that they be treated with respect, not used as garbage dumps or drainage ditches, but as living systems essential to the wellbeing of society.


10. A UK study reveals that owning a dog is good for your health. And having a pet dog improves your physical and mental wellbeing more than having a cat.


11. " Vandamme says that his clients are eating veggie mainly for their own wellbeing, then comes animal welfare, and finally, the environment.


12. He, though, clearly remains very fond of LL, asking after her wellbeing and wondering whether there was anything he could do for her.


13. The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children


14. Individuals, professionals, policy makers and others are increasingly focusing on leisure as a way of improving quality of life and wellbeing.


15. About Alley Cat Allies The mission of Alley Cat Allies is to protect the lives and promote the wellbeing of stray and feral cats.


16. subjective wellbeing


17. It is important to learn about your water systems.Insist that they be treated with respect, not used as garbage dumps or drainage ditches, but as living systems essential to the wellbeing of society.


18. Maternity leave, paternity leave, carers' leave and sick leave are not costs but essential to our wellbeing.


19. Connect with Nature:I find spending time outdoors in nature is great for my sense of wellbeing.


20. 1.Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems.


21. What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?


22. We systematically overestimate the amount of wellbeing associated with high incomes and long work hours.


23. Only then did I realise the positie difference it could make to my emotional wellbeing.


24. They say the move towards high-rise living, large homes on small blocks and disappearing backyards is threatening the wellbeing of the next generation.


25. But there was no difference in their psychological wellbeing when compared to other people who have never had braces.


26. As village head, he works wholeheartedly for the wellbeing of the villagers.


27. The loudest sucking sound has been in the market for initial public offerings, a crucial barometer of financial wellbeing.


28. Author and psychotherapist Gael Lindenfield shows how pressing the right buttons can make a lasting contribution to your child's wellbeing


29. Author and psychotherapist Gael Lindenfield shows how pressing the right buttons can make a lasting contribution to your child‘s wellbeing.


30. For example, it allows one to avoid wasteful consumption while savoring a larger variety of delicacies.It also prevents one from eating so wolfishly as to harm his health and wellbeing.


31. Balance is the key to Libra's health and wellbeing, a balanced diet, balance of work and recreation and balanced relationships with other people.


32. Balance is the key to Libra's health and wellbeing, a balanced diet, balance of work and recreation and balanced relationships with other people.


33. health and wellbeing


34. Print- based health and wellbeing information


35. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


36. A diet high in tryptophan - an amino acid converted by the body into the feel-good chemical serotonin - can improve mood and wellbeing, pediatrician and natural health expert Caroline Longmore said.

儿科医生和健康专家卡罗琳.朗莫说,高色氨酸食谱-一种由身体转化成的好感觉的血清素的氨基酸 -有助于改善心情和幸福。

37. Realization of Overall Wellbeing and Development of Mass Media


38. Activities for Public Wellbeing and Sociocultural Resources in Rural China


39. That we will be sensitive to your personal preferences and wellbeing particularly where this may involve your family.


40. Matters vital to national wellbeing and the people'slivelihood


41. Until a couple of years ago there had been little research into the happiness and wellbeing of DI children.


42. To reduce public spending on wellbeing would be an act of the greatest folly.


43. The company said in a statement it was “concerned about the employees' wellbeing and is doing everything possible to help them and support their families.


44. The program makers did the story after Kiwi women last year topped the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey as the world’s most promiscuous.


45. We share the Amway products with our friends to improve both their health and our own wellbeing.


46. It’s just that these things become useless junk that clutters our inner space and does not contribute to our inner wellbeing.


47. Each country or institution has its own interpretation on sustainability. In GHD, it means “Improving human wellbeing without compromising the local or global environment over the long term”.


48. It is merry to wish lovers wellbeing in domination moreover ,Wish to value to have acidity and happy love )??


49. At the same time, the only in enterprise development in order to get in the practice of wellbeing.


50. Author and psychotherapist Gael Lindenfield shows how pressing the right buttons can make a lasting contribution to your child's wellbeing.


51. Smoking is one of the most critical and controllable factors that affect a person's overall health and wellbeing.


52. Connecting with nature can improve your health and wellbeing, say researchers in this week's British Medical Journal. The theory is known as ecotherapy: restoring health through contact with nature.


53. LoL yeah we are a small country but it's not so focused on militiary, more on PEOPLE wellbeing and welfare you know...


54. The local barber has been supplanted in the self-indulgent world of early 21st-century life by sleekly appointed temples to wellbeing.


55. Three-quarters of respondents to a survey by the audit recruitment website claimed that an increase in their working hours had negatively impacted their wellbeing.


56. Afterthe financial crisis broke out, China was quick to put in place adecisive plan to boost domestic demand, advance economic restructuringand improve people's wellbeing.


57. The Psychological Wellbeing the Making of College Students


58. "We all know that exercise can help ward off physical conditions like heart disease and obesity and assist in overall wellbeing and fitness but this study adds another compelling reason to that list.


59. Her mental wellbeing is becoming stronger everyday.


60. They are detrimental to social development and wellbeing, as some one million children are left motherless each year.


61. There are many things important to our wellbeing that are not captured by it.


62. The paper exploits the theories of the goals on health, comprehensive wellbeing, Medical security and health development, which are coped with the socioeconomic level of better society in China.


63. Despite the evidence of a decline in national wellbeing, governments continue to put economic interests first.


64. Loud noises can have a destabilizing effect on our psychological wellbeing as well as affecting our endocrine system, especially in pregnant women, Dr. Wu said.


65. The Wellbeing Concept Model Evolve


66. An initial research on wellbeing index applied to citizens in China


67. A sense of tranquillity, wellbeing and relaxation within the living confines of this lavish resort-style development provides a haven for those seeking refuge from the city buzz.


68. When close relationships based on intimacy and trust go wrong, whether they're sexual or not, it affects our mental and emotional wellbeing deeply.


69. psychological wellbeing


70. Overall, the figures for developed countries suggest that, in itself, additional income is unlikely to make much difference to wellbeing.


71. Purpose We aim at promoting and advocating for the wellbeing of children, adolescents, disability and families.


72. We will work together for the genuine empowerment of immigrant brides towards a stronger movement for their rights and wellbeing.


73. We must be concerned with the people's wellbeing.


74. We never fully adapt to hostile relationships, they invidiously contaminate our wellbeing, squatting inside our minds as unresolved, destructive ruminations.

我们永远不能完全适应敌对关系,他们不公平地破坏我们的福祉,作为一个尚未解决的,破坏性的问题盘踞在我们的脑海中 。

75. We also believe passionately that our environment is of vital importance both in its own right and as the source of many of the plants and herbs vital to our wellbeing.


76. By adherence to the principles of decentralized self-government, ordered liberty, equal opportunity, and freedom to the individual our American experiment in human welfare has yielded a degree of wellbeing unparalleled in all the world.


77. Further to your debate on the Tald page yesterday: I get the feeling that most of the protesters at the Olympic torch relay on Sunday took part for their own emotional wellbeing.


78. I feel that the media and reporters in Beijing really like you and care about your wellbeing!!


79. So in times when we find ourselves unwillingly zapped by energy vampires it’s a great idea to flick off their negativity as soon as we encounter them before our wellbeing is effected.


80. Spell smell! Very well, the wellbeing for human being will swell.

