
winwinD.J.:[win]K.K.:[wɪn]vt. & vi.1.(在…中)获胜, 赢, 战胜(对手)Which side won?哪一方打胜了?He's sure to win.他一定会赢。We have won the football match.我们打赢了这场足球赛。vt.1.获得…She won a bronze medal.她得了铜牌。2.(通过努力等)赢得, 博得, 获得We shall win greater victories in the future.我们将取得更大的胜利。She won her diploma in only three years.她仅用三年时间就取得了毕业文凭。The speaker soon won his audience.演讲人很快赢得了听众的好感。That invention won him a medal.那项发明为他赢得了一枚奖章。He soon won a reputation for himself.他很快就成名了。n.1.(体育比赛中)胜利, 赢This season we've had three wins and two defeats.这个赛季我们三胜二负。

win1[win]vi.1.2.获胜,得胜,赢(有时与out连用):I don't think we could have won without you.我觉得没有你我们赢不了。3.(在赛马或其他竞赛中)得冠军,获第一名:Our basketball team must win today.今天我们篮球队准赢。4.顺利到达;(经过努力)成功;成为:to win loose from a pressing crowd从拥挤的人群中钻了出来to win free from bias and prejudice摆脱偏见5.[古语]渐渐产生吸引力(或影响)(常与on, upon连用)vt.1.(经过艰苦努力)得到;具体指:2.获得:to win distinctions出名3.达到(目的、要求等):He applied for a scholarship and won it at last.他申请了奖学金并终于获准。4.(在竞赛中)获奖5.赚得;挣得;谋得(生计等):to win dollars at cards打牌赢钱6.(竞赛、辩论中)获胜;胜利;成功:Who do you think will win the next election?你觉得下次选举谁会获胜?7.(经过努力)到达:They won the top of hill by noon.中午以前他们攀上了山巅。8.说服;争取;劝服(常与over连用):to win someone over to one's side把某人争取过来9.10.赢得:to win a supporter, friend, etc.赢得支持者、朋友等11.博得(某人的同情、爱情等):He has tried and won her friendship.他经过努力赢得了她的友谊。12.说服使与之结婚:We finally won my mother to our marriage.我们的婚事终于取得了妈妈的同意。13.14.从矿石中提炼(金属等)15.开采(煤、矿石等)16.为采矿而准备(竖井等)17.[俚语]偷n.1.[口语]胜利,赢2.【赛马】冠军,第一名3.[常用复数]赢得物;收益stand to win一定赢win clear (或 free)好容易脱身,摆脱困境win hands down见 handwin one's spurs见 spurYou can't win.[口语]不管你做什么都不行。[常用于表示愤怒]You can't win them all.[口语]你不可能事事成功;你不可能事事都做得很好。[常用于安慰失望或失败的人或用以自慰]You win some, you lose some.[口语]有所得必有所失。变形vi.wonwonwinning win2[win]vt.1.[英国方言]2.把(草、种子、木材等)晾干,晒干3.= winnow变形vt.winned 或 wonwinning

见:won: win winwin[win]vt.1.[英方]把(草等)吹干[烘干]