

1. Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir, he interrupted, wincing.


2. "I will take anything," he said, relieved, and wincing under reproof.


3. " "I will take anything," he said, relieved, and wincing under reproof.


4. 'Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir,' he interrupted, wincing.


5. The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing,and resumed his doleful petition: "Charity,I pray you!

乞丐没有动弹一下,接住施舍,忍住嘲讽,继续悲哀地叫着: “行行好,请行行好吧!”

6. The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing, and resumed his doleful petition: “Charity, I pray you!


7. 8. The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing, and resumed his doleful petition: “Charity, I pray you!


8. The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing, and resumed his doleful petition: "Charity, I pray you!


9. Spotting Heather' s thick leather belt, he grabbed hold, tugging again and again. Wincing in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.


10. They simply want to stop wincing at their receipts and not have to justify each purchase.


11. Crawling through a cave, wincing and bawling as if in agony.


12. He passed his hand over his eyes, made a little wincing grimace.


13. His yellow eyes lifted to hers. He was wincing, as if he were afraid of what might be showing on her face.


14. Wincing in pain, he summoned all of his faculties and strength. The desperate task before him, he knew, would require every remaining second of his life.


15. But wherein was he himself any further ahead, except in a wincing sense of the ridiculousness of everything, and the paramount ridiculousness of his own position?


16. Wincing in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.


17. But I still can't help wincing when I read," The instructor is mean. "" Marcus is not committed to my work. "" This class sucks.


18. She switched on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness.


19. Mr Hitchings admits to wincing occasionally, but almost on principle he is more cheerful than not.


20. to bear pain without wincing


21. an act or instance of starting,wincing,or recoiling


22. I listened, smarting at his words, my eyes wincing into his surrounding wrinkles.


23. I was wincing on the touchline worrying that he was going to injure himself again but he was so brave and so determined that all he was interested in was doing his best and helping the team win.


24. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28. 49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing.


25. My theory is if I look prosperous,I can shell out $28. 49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing.


26. I know some of you are wincing at this idea -- yes, I know you're scoffing!


27. I shrugged into the matching tank top and cotton pants that I'd gotten to replace the holey sweats I used to wear to bed, wincing as the movement pulled at the stitches.


28. Griffin apparently broke his kneecap during the Clippers' final exhibition game against New Orleans last Friday, perhaps after a dunk that left the power forward wincing in pain.


29. “Could you play my new album here, sometimes?” The manager quickly made a wincing expression, and answered in an awkwardly polite way, that to me was no less caustic than a slap in the face.


30. I believe we will see that Tracy much more often than the one wincing in pain and leaving the game.


31. Now the pain is still there, maybe more severe without the drug buffering against it, but I’ve got used to it and am able to smile and bear with it instead of wincing or scowling.


32. Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir,' he interrupted, wincing.


33. " With that wincing smile, Jackson was like a wounded orphan who has walked through fire and has booked a return trip.


34. Grasping the buckle, he cinched it one notch tighter, wincing as the barbs dug deeper into his flesh.


35. wincing movement


36. How common rather to discover a creature hounded on by tyrant thoughts (or cares, or desires), cowering, wincing under the lash.


37. An act or instance of starting, wincing, or recoiling.


38. Bennigsen was warmly manifesting his Russian patriotism (Kutuzov could not listen to him without wincing), by insisting on the defence of Moscow.


39. Then he proceeded, slowly and carefully, wincing with pain, to the bank.

