
withdrawwithdrawD.J.:[wiðˈdrɔ:]K.K.:[wɪðˈdrɔ, wɪθ-]vt. & vi.1.取[收]回I'd like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.我想从我的储蓄账户上提取1000美元转到支票账户上。2.(使)撤退[出]I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier.我想收回我早些时候发表的一项声明。The general decided to withdraw his soldiers.那位将军决定撤军。

withdraw[wið'drɔ:; wiθ-]vt.1.2.缩回;拿回;使离去:a government decision to withdraw funding一项撤销政府财政支持的决定3.收回(货币等);使退出:Mother withdrew $100 from her account.妈妈从账户上取出100美元。4.撤回;撤销;取消(声明等):to withdraw a statement撤销一项声明vi.1.离开;引退,撤退:The army withdrew.军队撤退了。2.退出(某组织、活动或社交界等):The country has withdrawn from the European Union.那个国家退出了欧洲共同体。3.【精神病学】(精神分裂症的)逃避现实;离群:The little girl seemed to withdraw into a private world.那个小女孩似乎变得孤僻。4.(在会议程序中)撤销动议(或声明等):The leader promised to support the plan;you can't withdraw now.领导已答应支持这项计划,你们不能收回承诺。5.戒毒:to withdraw from heroin戒掉海洛因近义词go变形vt.withdrewwithdrawnwithdrawing

withdrawwithdraw[wiðˈdrɔ:]vt.(-drew [ˈdru:]; withdrawn [-ˈdrɔ:n])1.取回; 收回; 领回; 撤回; 缩回2.移开; 拉开; 拿; 取消; 撤消; 撤退withdraw one's hand from the hot stove把手从热火炉旁缩回withdraw money from the bank从银行取款withdraw troops from a place从某地撤军withdraw a boy from school把孩子从学校领回withdraw a curtain拉开窗帘withdraw one's eyes from把视线从...移开(不再看...)withdraw a bill [demand, offer]撤消议案[要求、建议]withdraw a remark收回发言
词性变化withdraw[wiðˈdrɔ:]vi.1.退回; 缩回; 撤回; 退出; 撤退withdraw against the wall as the car passed by车过时把身子紧靠着墙withdraw from a meeting [discussion]退出会议[讨论]withdraw from society隐遁The enemy troops had to withdraw.敌人不得不退却。After dinner the ladies withdrew.饭后妇女们退出。

继承用法withdrawableadj.1.可抽出的, 可拆卸的, 可更换的withdrawern.1.回收者, 回收器withdrawingn.1.拉出, 抽出
见:withdrawn: withdraw