

1. "Oh, what a wretch am I!" cried Ralph the rover


2. "You are a clever, black-hearted wretch, Rhett Butler, and you know very well this bonnet's too pretty to be refused."

"瑞德 - 巴特勒,你这个又狡诈又黑心的坏蛋,而且你明明知道这帽子太漂亮了,谁还会拒绝呢。"

3. 'I can't remember who I am,' I said, wretchedly.


4. "Don't torture a poor forlorn wretch," he implored them, with a dreadful cry; "but give me my work!


5. "He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear" (Charles Dickens).

“他是个吝啬的坏蛋,他克扣我们的伙食和穿衣” (查尔斯·狄)。

6. "He whistles as he goes, lighthearted wretch,/Cold and yet cheerful" (William Cowper).

“他边走边吹口哨,无忧无虑的小家伙/寒冷但仍然很高兴“ (威廉姆·考珀)。

7. "You thought it a mercy then, miserable wretch!


8. "Poor little Faith," thought he, for his heart smote him." What a wretch am I leave her on such an errand."


9. "Oh, what a wretch am I!" cried Ralph the rover.


10. "Why, of course," continued the little wretch on the capital. "But what is there to laugh about?


11. "Why,of course," continued the little wretch on the capital. "But what is there to laugh about?


12. "Oh, send for some one to whom I can denounce the wretch!"


13. "Because the person who bears it is too highly favored by heaven to be the father of such a wretch as you."


14. "She could not endure the insult offered to us by that wretch, so she asked permission to travel."


15. "Mother," said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected.


16. 'Mother, 'said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected.


17. 'I can't remember who I am,'I said,wretchedly.


18. "I am the spectre of a wretch you buried in the dungeons of the Chateau d'If


19. "Yes, my mother," said Albert, "I will return, and woe to the infamous wretch!


20. " Get out of my sight, you wretch ! I never want to set eyes on you again."


21. "Let the wretch take my money,"said Arabella."We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other."


22. "The wretch!" said Mrs. Shelby, vehemently.


23. "This wretch has just insulted Monsieur le Maire."


24. An hour or two hence, and the low companions and low habits that I scorn but yield to, will render me less worth such tears as those, than any wretch who creeps along the streets.


25. Can a wretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene of sore affliction or pinching penury; can that man call England or any other kingdom his country?


26. A slaveholder, a dictator, a grant of A wolf in sheep's clothing, a betrayal of the homeland of treason, and a wretch worthy of our sympathy.


27. A man who values individuals above his own integrity is a wretch, not a free thinker.


28. A poor wretch on returning to his attic would find that his door had been opened, sometimes even forced, during his absence.


29. A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humor was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding.


30. A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humour was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding.


31. Do Not Be A Wretch of Your Career


32. Pain, scorned by yonder gout-ridden wretch, endured by yonder dyspeptic in the midst of his dainties, borne bravely by the girl in travail.


33. Pain,scorned by yonder gout-ridden wretch, endured by yonder dyspetic in the midst of his dainties,borne bravely by the girl in travail.


34. It's not that my family ill treated me, but we were living on a wretchedly low budget then.


35. Hungry Joe was a jumpy, emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone.


36. But the little wretch had to play the big shot . Now they are going to court-martial him.


37. Sorry everyone...i still cant upload the photos..so go to WRETCH to see my new photos okay.....


38. They dragged the wretch to a tree and hanged him.


39. He had made me wretchedly conscious of my shortcomings,that is how he had me on the hook.


40. He had almost seemed like a human being and not the perverse wretch she knew so well.


41. He was an unfeeling wretch.


42. He' s a scurvy wretch.


43. He's a scurvy wretch.


44. He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear


45. He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear(Charles Dickens.

他是个吝啬的坏蛋,他克扣我们的伙食和穿衣(查尔斯 狄)。

46. He was a bold wretch.


47. Now what a wretch must he be!


48. He is really a worthless wretch.


49. What had I done, says he, that such an unhappy wretch should come into my ship? I would not set my foot in the same ship with thee again for a thousand pounds.


50. He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days.


51. He whistles as he goes, lighthearted wretch, / Cold and yet cheerful(William Cowper.

他边走边吹口哨,无忧无虑的小家伙/寒冷但仍然很高兴(威廉姆 考珀)。

52. He was a wretch to be hated and chastised by every champion of woman.


53. To make a wretch His treasure


54. Any wretch may enter the house of a black man, and commit any violence he pleases; if he happens to do it only in the presence of black persons, he goes unwhipt of justice.


55. No attention, however, must be paid to his cunning wiles, no matter how base and horrible -- all his suggestions must be cast back upon his head.The wretch is to be despised and scorned.


56. But some parts of the country remain wretchedly poor, particularly in the north.


57. But the journey is likely to be wretchedly uncomfortable.


58. And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha.


59. You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.

你不但不谢他, 还埋怨他, 真不知好歹。

60. Your family has been poor for generations, I think you are also a poor wretch.


61. And to think that there is not a hussy in Paris who would not have been delighted to make this wretch happy!


62. Would you shake your finger at me and say, "What an ungrateful wretch of a bird! It is gnawing at its chain day and night"?


63. You are a lying wretch!


64. You wretch!


65. You wretch! You've taken the book I wanted.

你这个坏蛋! 你把我想要的书拿走了。

66. You wretch! You're late again.


67. You ungrateful wretch!


68. the despicable wretch who stole the old woman's money


69. Tusihubei back the atmosphere match Duochou to allow a small number of people are sad, such as the poor wretch Liaozu and more than two feet deep.


70. From thence he commanded the sacrilegious wretch to be thrown down into the ashes, all men thrusting him forward unto death.


71. they were right in telling you that Jean Valjean was a very vicious wretch.


72. Brabantio. What profane wretch art thou?


73. Wretch, do you expect me to trust you


74. Show off ? Wretch !I teach you how to study English kindly, but cause and envy!


75. -- Had I been in love, I could not have been more wretchedly blind.


76. -- had i been in love, i could not have been more wretchedly blind. but vanity, not love, has been my folly.


77. Primitive tribes are naked, and wretchedly fed and housed, but they do not suffer from unemployment.


78. Overcome by resolves, he broods like a miserable wretch.


79. But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)!


80. The poor wretch asked for food and place to sleep.

