
writewriteD.J.:[rait]K.K.:[raɪt]vt. & vi.1.When he was very young, he began to learn to read and write.他很小的时候就开始学习读书写字了。She writes gracefully.她字迹秀丽。I have been writing this week.本周我一直在写。Let's write a notice of next Friday's meeting.我们来写一份关于下星期五开会的通知。After she wrote the melody, she asked us for criticisms.她做好曲之后, 请我们提意见。He wrote what he saw.他写下了所看到的情况。She wrote Beijing “Peking”.她把北京写作Peking。2.写信We have had another performance of the play since I wrote.从我上次给你写信之后, 这个剧我们又演出了一次。Write me, and let me know how things go.望来信, 谈谈你那儿的情况。My son wrote to say he was coming from Paris this week.我的儿子来信说他这个星期从巴黎来。She writes that she is leaving tomorrow.她信上说她明天要走。I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.我匆忙地给我母亲写了封信。Please write us the result.请把结果函告我们。Don't forget to write all the news to me.不要忘记把一切消息都写信告诉我。She wrote Bass that his father was not well.她给巴斯写信, 说他爸爸身体不舒服。Write me when you get home.你到家后给我写封信。He wrote her to come.他给她写信要她回来。

write[rait]vt.1.wrote,written, [古语]过去式和过去分词 writ,writing2.3.写字,书写;刻写:to write illegibly书写得难以辨认,写得模糊不清4.写下,记下,记录下来;(用打字机)打下来:to write a paragraph写一段文章(或一篇短评)5.用手写;写草字(与print相对)6.拼写:Words written alike are often pronounced differently.拼法相同的词往往读音不同。7.能用(某种语言等)通信:The professor wrote a recommendation for me.教授给我写了一封推荐信。8.写作(诗、文章、小说等);编写(乐曲等):Please write a book about the war.请写本关于这场战争的书。9.草拟,制定10.撰写(支票、表格等):to write a cheque开支票11.写满:to write three pages整整写了三页12.写信说;函告,以书信通知:He wrote that he would be late.他写信说,他可能迟到。13.写信给;寄信给:Write her before you go.你去之前先给他写封信。14.将…描写成,把…写成;称呼为:He writes himself “Judge”.他(在文章中)自诩为“行家”。15.签名于…;写在…下面(或末尾)16.【计算机】写(将信息或数据记录到存储媒体上);写印,(从计算机存储器)送出或印出数据17.使留下印迹;显出;露出;清晰表示;表现:Greed was written on his face.他脸上明显露出贪婪的表情。18.当文书(或抄写员,新闻工作者等)19.命定,注定20.(记录装置)用图表记录21.[主南非英语]参加(笔试)22.出售,抛售,放弃(因急需钱等原因而舍弃财产等):to write stock option放弃认股权vi.1.书写,写字;刻写:to write in pencil用铅笔写2.用手写,写草字(与print相对)3.写作;创作;作曲:He writes for a living.他以写作为生。4.写信;函告:He wrote and told me about this.他写信告诉了我这件事。5.作文书,作抄写员:to write on popular science从事大众科学的写作6.写得…,写成…样子[与副词连用]:to write legibly字迹工整,写得清楚Never write what you dare not sign.[谚语]不要写你不敢署名的文章。nothing to write home about[口语]没什么特别有趣的地方,没什么了不起;平平常常;不十分好的What I have written I have written.既已写了就坚决不改。write home about值得大书特书;很好,很精彩write in water水上写字;昙花一现write oneself off[空军俚语]被击毙write oneself out题材枯竭;(作家等)才华已尽write one's own ticket自选工作条件、待遇等write the book非常有权威或有经验;擅长

writewrite[rait]vi.(wrote [rEut], [古] writ [rit]; written [ˈritn], [古]writ [rit])1.书写, 写字2.写作; 著述3.写信; 通信write well善于书写write for a magazine为某杂志撰稿write to a person写信给某人write for a living靠写作维持生活He writes legibly.他的字写得很清楚。
词性变化writevt.1.书写2.写作; 著述3.写信给某人; 函告4.[常用被动语态]显露; 使留下印记5.把...写入(into)6.填写; 写满7.把...描写成; 称...为8.签署契约承担; 承保9.命中注定write one's name写自已的名字write a novel写小说Her joy is written on her face.他的脸上显露出喜悦的心情。His love was written into his poem.他把他的爱写在诗歌中。Her heroic image is written on our hearts.她的英雄形象永远铭刻在我们心中。


词性变化writen.1.在选票上被写入的非原定候选人的名字; 对非原定候选人所投的选票2.写入, 记入write-upn.1.报纸, 杂志称赞的报导2.(资产等)账面价值的提高