

1. XDR defined a standard representation for data to support the development of communicating heterogeneous network applications.


2. "While early studies suggested that XDR TB is untreatable, our report indicates that while it may be difficult, it is possible to treat these patients through the use of aggressive regimens," Dr.


3. What alarms health officials is the potential for outbreaks of MDR to evolve into large XDR ones, creating the specter of an uncontrollable health menace.


4. Their concern is that the high number of HIV and TB carriers in Southern Africa, makes it an environment ripe for the rapid spread of XDR TB.


5. They reported on 608 patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis who were treated between September 2000 and November 2004. Four percent or 29 of patients were diagnosed with XDR TB.


6. Of 49 cases (3% of evaluable multidrug-resistant [MDR] TB cases) meeting the revised case definition for XDR TB, 17 (35%) were reported during 2000 to 2006.

其中有49个案例(佔所有可评估的多重抗药性(MDR)TB案例的3%)达到XDR TB的新定义标准,其中17个(35%)于2000年至2006年之间被通报;

7. Most of the patients with XDR TB had been treated, incompletely, for MDR TB, the doctors found.


8. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Poor treatment may be fueling the rise of an especially hard to treat form of tuberculosis called extensively drug resistant or XDR TB, doctors reported on Sunday.


9. On the other hand, increasing levels of MDR-TB globally, including extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB, and alarming rates of people with HIV/AIDS co-infected with TB, received little attention.


10. external data representation ( XDR )


11. Fewer resistance tests exist for the newer, second-line drugs needed to treat MDR and XDR tuberculosis, and many of them are difficult to perform.


12. The memory type uses the XDR interface and the firm will claim that it offers eight times the bandwidth of the fastest PC memory currently available.


13. The XmlSchemaSet has been introduced to fix a number of issues including standards compatibility, performance, and the obsolete Microsoft XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema format.

引入了XmlSchemaSet来解决许多问题,包括标准兼容性、性能和过时的Microsoft XML数据简化(XDR)架构格式。

14. Initial reports have confirmed XDR TB in 53 people, of whom 52 died within an average of 16 days of diagnosis.


15. Newer, second-line drugs are used if a strain of tuberculosis is MDR or XDR, which are resistant to the first-line drugs.


16. Earlier this month another team reported similar results in patients with MDR and XDR TB in Peru.


17. Apllication of Drop Size Meter on Calibration of XDR Radar Echo


18. The active form of TB is more infectious than the latent form, and some health experts believe XDR TB is even more virulent.


19. So-called “extremely drug-resistant” TB, or XDR TB, has rendered most or all currently aailable therapies ineffectie.


20. This independence is achieved through the use of RPC primitives built on top of an External Data Representation (XDR) protocol used between two implementation-independent interfaces.


21. As more tuberculosis strains have become resistant to more drugs in recent years, health officials have come up with the MDR and XDR designations.

