

1. "Taking Yenan is no problem" -- what does this signify?


2. "Just before Chiang was kidnaped at Sian, Yen invited me to come down from Yenan and help him train these students.


3. Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art


4. (1)In August 1946 , on my fifth trip through China , bound for my Moscow home but not in haste , since my husband had died in the war , I came to yenan .


5. One early morning we watched Yenan wake up.


6. A year later, the survivors reached Shensi Province and eventually the safety of Yenan's caves, there to rebuild for the revolt that swept China from 1946 to 1949.


7. This mass rally against Wang Ching-wei, held in Yenan on February 1, unanimously resolves, in righteous indignation, to denounce his treason and capitulation and to wage the War of Resistance Against Japan to the very end.


8. Most of you attending this meeting today have come to Yenan from thousands of miles away;whether your surname is Chang or Li, whether you are a man or a woman, a worker or a peasant, you are all of one mind.


9. The works created when DING stayed in the League of Leftist Writers and Yenan illustrate that she tried to voice on behalf of women in the limited discourse space.


10. From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.


11. (19)From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.


12. (19)From Yenan red-dot-pcto Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.


13. They lived in Yenan from 1937 to 1947.


14. But he had far fewer students than there are in Yenan, and what is more, they would have disliked production campaigns.


15. but as for the cadres in the base areas, in Yenan alone there are more than 10,000 who read books.


16. You see, in the matter of unity the youth of Yenan have acquitted themselves well, indeed very well.


17. Large numbers of revolutionary youth from all over the country,and even from Chinese communities abroad,have come to study in Yenan.


18. Among them, the Yenan rectification is an important period in its developing process.


19. On the studying of Yenan about the Relations between Teacher and Student


20. Even elsewhere the loss of Yenan created no great stir.


21. He arrived in Yenan in the spring of last year, went to work in the Wutai Mountains, and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post.


22. Old Comrade Wu is Comrade Wu Yu-chang,who was then Chairman of the Yenan Association for the Promotion of Constitutional Government.


23. For the same thing happened in the rectification movement in Yenan;instead of the gentle breeze we had proposed, a strong gale arose, but in the end it was the gentle breeze that prevailed.


24. Chiang Kai-shek bombed Yenan in March 1947, forcing the Party leadership to move out.


25. Fortunately, there are many comrades in Yenan who have written at length in this field, so that my rough and ready words may serve the same purpose as the beating of the gongs before a theatrical performance.


26. The people of Yenan have lived in cave houses since time out of mind.


27. The people of Yenan live in cave houses carved into the slopes of dry loessial hills.


28. The people of Yenan and the Border Region have made great contributions to the whole nation.


29. A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan.


30. Research on Yenan Tourist Destination Image


31. At Yenan the news was received as a development of major importance.


32. Keywords Yenan educational pattern;Zouping educatioal pattern;Village construction;Peasants' revolution;Vitalized Confucianism;Chinese-style Marxism;


33. Since the rectification movement in Yenan and the Seventh Congress, we have stressed learning from the Soviet Union, which has not only done us no harm but has proved beneficial. In revolution, we are experienced.


34. Inspecting the Image Creation of "the New People" and the Question of the Petty Bourgeoisie since the Yenan Literature


35. An ideological struggle is already under way in literary and art circles in Yenan, and it is most necessary.


36. Association for the Study of New Philosophy in Yenan


37. in Yenan


38. Everything in Yenan has been created by having guns.


39. What we do in Yenan is bound to influence the whole country.


40. The young intellectuals and students, the young workers and peasants in Yenan are all united.


41. The youth in Yenan, besides being united among themselves, have integrated themselves with the masses of workers and peasants, and more than anything else this makes you a model for the whole country.


42. The youth of Yenan have achieved solidarity and unity.


43. Although there is as yet no fighting in Yenan, our troops at the front are daily engaged in battle, and?


44. Of course we do not intend to return to Yenan now, to "make a feint and turn the horse round to retreat"


45. I think our numerous meetings in Yenan to promote constitutional government have a twofold purpose .


46. From Sian we flew 150 miles north to Yenan, the shrine city of Chinese Communism.


47. We returned to Peking, and shortly Yu Chung-ching and I joined a group of correspondents for a nine-day trip southwest to Sian and Yenan.


48. We have already lived in peking for seven years, and what if we are requested to return to Yenan in the eighth?


49. We the people of Yenan voice our firm opposition and strong protest.


50. Why are we, the people of all circles in Yenan, meeting here today?


51. Once I told an American in Yenan, the United States can go on withholding recognition of our government for a hundred years, but I doubt if it can withhold it in the 101st.


52. I answered, “You are here in Yenan all the time and you don't know?” (1971:329


53. That is why I say the youth movement in Yenan is the model for the youth movement throughout the country.


54. It is very good that since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, more and more revolutionary writers and artists have been coming to Yenan and our other anti-Japanese base areas.


55. It is said that the generals are in good fettle and are proclaiming, "Taking Yenan is no problem."


56. As early as in 1938 he went to Yenan to study.


57. Some say: "You are in Yenan while those people are in various other places.What is the use of your urging them if they take no notice?"


58. Probably everybody in Yenan had dysentery, but the Chinese seemed usually not much bothered by it.


59. And the controversial issues concerning literature and art which have arisen in Yenan and the other anti-Japanese base areas.


60. Objective the Yenan separation leather blue negative bacillus the mold mushroom spawn distribution and its to the commonly used antibiotics drug resistance which infects in the hospital.


61. And the Yenan rectification was the first aware great practice after the sinicization of Marxism was proposed.The Yenan rectification" goal also lay in realizing the sinicization of Marxism.


62. The leading cities in the Liberated Areas, such as Yenan, Changchiakou, Huaiyin, Hotse, Taming, Linyi, Yentai, Chengteh, Szepingkai, Changchun, Kirin and Antung, were all occupied by these bandit troops at one time or another.


63. Let me cite a few examples from Yenan.


64. This applies not only to newcomers to Yenan; even among comrades who have been to the front and worked for a number of years in our base areas and in the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, many have not completely solved this problem.


65. Skin crinkled with age, this 85-year-old man lives near Yenan.


66. The comrade who wrote this was no doubt a disciple of the ancient scholars, but it is rather baffling why he should have written such characters in such a place, on the Yenan city wall, at the time of the War of Resistance.


67. to launch attacks on the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and seize Yenan


68. At that time an American correspondent, Anna Louise Strong, came to Yenan.


69. Shrines of the Revolution: Arched entryways lead into the hand-hewn caves of Yenan.


70. To launch attacks on the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and seize Yenan.

