

1. This was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave.


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3. With a sudden wrench she seized the ring but it stuck. The Zouave was moving toward Melanie.


4. Above the tumult sounded the voice of the little Zouave, his Creole accent very obvious: "Eef I may--twenty dollars for Mees Maybelle Merriwether."

忽然从那一起嘈杂中冒出了小个儿义勇兵的声音,他用十分明显的法兰西腔调说:"请允许我----用20美元请梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟小姐。

5. Maybelle Merriwether was to marry her little Zouave when he got his next furlough, and she cried every time she thought of it, for she had set her heart on marrying in a white satin dress and there was no white satin in the Confederacy.

梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟准备在那位小个儿义勇兵下次休假时同他结婚,她一想起这件事就哭鼻子,因为她下定决心要穿一件白缎子衣服结婚,可是在南部联盟境内找不到白缎子。

6. Then it was laid gently on the pile of jewelry. The two girls stood looking after the Zouave who was moving toward the group of elderly ladies in the corner, Scarlett defiant, Melanie with a look more pitiful than tears.

然后才轻轻地落到那首饰堆上,两位姑娘站在那里目送义勇兵向角落里那群年长的太太们走去。 思嘉是一副倔强的神态,媚兰则显得比流泪还要凄楚。

7. Probably her hairy little Zouave was safe in Richmond this very minute.

