
clingclingD.J.:[kliŋ]K.K.:[klɪŋ]vi.1.附着于Dewdrops were still clinging on the trees.露珠仍沾在树上。2.抓紧或抱住He clung to the rope with both hands.他双手紧紧抓住绳子。3.坚持He clung to his own view.他坚持己见。

cling1[kliŋ]vi.1.紧握;抱住:He clung to the rope with both hands.他双手紧紧攥住绳子。2.粘着;缠住:The two friends cling together wherever they go.这两个朋友不论走到哪里都形影不离。3.贴近,靠近(常与 to连用):The wet clothes clung to his body.湿衣服紧紧贴在他的身上。4.坚持;固执;忠于(常与to 连用):The whole party will cling to their leader very determinedly.全党将极其坚定地紧紧跟随着他们的领袖。5.依附于;依恋(常与to连用):She clings to her father for support.她总是靠父亲抚养。6.[废语]凝聚;萦绕(常与to连用):His father's last words clung to his memory.父亲的遗言萦绕在他脑际。n.1.坚持;依附;执著近义词stickcling like grim death (to)[口语]紧紧抓住,拼命抓住变形vi.clungclinging cling3[kliŋ]vt., vi.1.(使)发出丁当声2.(小铃等的)尖锐清脆声n.1.丁当声变形vt., vi.clingedclinging

clingcling[kliŋ]vi.(clung [klʌŋ])1.粘着[住], 紧贴, 卷[绕]住(to)2.坚持, 墨守, 依附于, 依靠, 抱住...不放, 抱定(希望)(to)3.紧握, 拥抱clinging garments紧身衣clinging vine[美俚]惯于依靠男人的妇女cling to a purpose坚持目的cling to the last hope抱定最后希望, 决不灰心He is of a clinging sort.他是那种总要依靠别人的人。They clung together when the time came to part.分离的时候到了, 他们紧抱着不肯分开。
词性变化cling[kliŋ]n.1.=clingstone2.粘附, 坚守

继承用法clingtestn.1.粘性实验, 静电吸咐试验clingyadj.1.粘住的; 紧贴的; 易粘的
