
coaxcoaxD.J.:[kəuks]K.K.:[koks]vt.1.哄, 用好话劝说She coaxed her son into going to school.她哄儿子上学。2.巧言骗取He coaxed extra money from his father.他用甜言蜜语骗他父亲额外给他钱。

coax1[kəuks]vt.1.哄,劝诱;哄骗:He coaxed his daughter to take her medicine.他哄着女儿吃药。2.用巧妙的方式或不懈努力达到既定目的;耐心地摆弄:He coaxed the large chair through the door.他用巧妙的方式把大椅子搬进门里去了。3.[废语]爱抚,抚弄4.[废语]愚弄,欺骗vi.1.哄,诱哄,劝诱近义词cajolewheedle coax2[kəu'æks]n.1.【电磁学】=coaxial cable

coaxcoax[kəuks]vt.1.用好话劝; 诱(出), 哄(出)2.耐心地[巧妙地]处理; 轻轻地弄好coax a child to take its medicine哄小孩吃药coax a smile from the baby逗婴孩一笑coax a fire to burn耐心地设法使炉火烧旺He coaxed the large chair through the narrow door.他巧妙地把一张椅子从狭窄的门搬进去。
词性变化coax[kəuks]vi.1.哄骗Though she coaxed and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.她虽然哄骗并恳求他去跳舞, 可他还是拒绝了。coax[kəuks]n.[俚]1.油嘴滑舌的人2.花言巧语3.(=coax ial cable)同轴电缆

继承用法coaxern.coaxingn., adj.1.哄骗(的)coaxinglyadv.