
confideconfideD.J.:[kənˈfaid]K.K.:[kənˈfaɪd]vt.1.吐露(秘密, 心事等)He confided to me that he had spent five years in prison.他私下向我透露, 他蹲过五年监狱。

confide[kən'faid]vi.1.信任,信赖;信托 (常与in连用):I confide absolutely in his honesty.我绝对信任他的忠实可靠。2.吐露秘密;交心(常与in 连用):She confides in no one.她不同任何人说心里话。vt.1.吐露(秘密等);讲(心腹话),交心:Why didn't you confide the secret to me?你为什么不向我透露这件秘密?2.信任;信托,委托:He confided his personal documents to his lawyer.他把他私人的文件委托给他的律师保管。近义词commit变形vi.confidedconfiding

confideconfide[kənˈfaid]vi.1.信赖, 讲真心话2.(对知己)吐露秘密(in)confide in sb.'s honesty相信某人的诚实confide in someone向人吐露真情There is no one here I can confide in.这里没有一个我可以信赖的人。
词性变化confide[kənˈfaid]vt.1.吐露, 讲(心腹话); 交代2.托付, 委托confide the secret to sb.向某人泄密confide my property to your care把我的财产托付你保管He confided his troubles to a friend.他向朋友倾诉烦恼事。The children were confide d to the care of the ship's captain.孩子们被委托给该船的船长照管。