
haulhaulD.J.:[hɔ:l]K.K.:[hɔl]vt. & vi.1.拖, 拉If you haul hard you will divert the fish.如果拉网太猛, 鱼会被吓跑的。The fishermen haul the net.渔民们拉鱼网。vt.1.运送Trains haul freight.火车拖运货物。2.传讯n.1.拖, 拉The rope stood up under the strain of the haul.这绳子经受不住紧拉。2.拖运货物的距离It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长, 到家时我们已筋疲力尽。3.一网的捕获量, 一次偷得的数量The fisherman had a good haul.渔夫捕到一大网鱼。

haul[hɔ:l]vt.1.(用力)拖,拉,牵,强曳;(用网等)把…拖上来:She hauled her large box into the room.她把那只大箱子拖进了房间。to haul fish into the hold(用网)把鱼拖进船舱2.(用车等)拖运,运送;搬运:to haul coals from the mine从煤矿运送煤块to haul passengers运送旅客3.硬拖,硬拉;拘捕,把…扭送警察局(或法庭等)(常与 before, in, to, into 等):He was hauled before the judge.他被押上了法庭。4.【航海学】使(船)改变航向,使顶风航行;把(船)导向(修理场等)5.使降落,使降下(常与 down 连用):to haul the flag down降旗vi.1.拉,曳,拖,拖运,运送:We hauled on the boat up the beach.我们用力拖小船,把它拖到了沙滩上。Your luggage has hauled.你的行李已运到了。2.(费力地)到达某地:After a long drive we finally hauled into town at dusk.开车走了很长时间,在黄昏时终于到达城里。3.(风)改变方向4.【航海学】(船)朝某方向航行5.(船)被拉上岸修理(或贮藏)6.改变行动步骤,改变主意:He has hauled once again, he would go with me.他又变主意了,决定同我一起去。n.1.拖,拉,曳;拖运,运送2.拖(或拉、曳)的东西3.一网的渔获量;一次获得(或赢得、赚得、偷得等)的数量4.运输量,装运量5.拖运的距离(或路程)6.[口语]获得(某物)的行动;所获得的东西近义词pulla good (big) haul一大网鱼一大笔进账(或收获)a long haul很长时间长途旅行(或运输)haul down one's flag (或 colours)投降;屈服haul in one's horn[美国口语]戒酒,有所收敛haul one's (或 the) wind[口语]【航海学】逆风行驶改变方针;后退haul on (或to) the wind【航海学】抢风逆行haul over the coals申诉;谴责haul the tacks aboard【航海学】张开最下方的横帆haul upon the wind= haul on the windin (或for, over) the long haul见 long haulshort haul见 short

haulhaul[hɔ:l]vt.1.拖, 拉, 曳2.拖运3.使降落, 降(旗)(down)4.【航海】使(船)改变航向5.硬拖, 把(某人)押交法庭等处盘问[审讯]; 拘捕haul sb. up[口]责问某人haul the wind【海】抢风驶船
词性变化haul[hɔ:l]vi.1.曳牵, 拉(at, upon)2.(费劲或迅猛地)来到3.(船, 风)改变方向4.(喻)改变主意After a long drive they finally hauled into town at dusk.他们经过长途奔驰, 终于在黄昏时来到了城里。haul[hɔ:l]n.1.拖, 拉2.捕获物, 一网(捕得的鱼)3.拖运的距离4.运输量a bumper haul of fish一大网鱼