
immerseimmerseD.J.:[iˈmə:s]K.K.:[ɪˈmɚs]vt.1.使浸入He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作中。2.使沉浸于; 使深陷于He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作中。

immerse[i'mə:s]vt.1.使浸没,把…浸入:He is immersed in the swimming pool.他完全沉进了水中。Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.把布在染液里浸20分钟。2.使沉浸于;使专心于(常与in连用):He immersed himself in study during the vacation.他在假期里埋头学习。3.使深陷于;使卷入:to immerse oneself among the masses深入群众His brother was immersed in deep debts.他的弟弟负债累累。4.把…浸入;把…嵌入:shells immersed in the sand埋在沙里的贝壳5.【宗教】给…施浸礼变形vt.immersedimmersing

immerseimmerse[iˈmə:s]vt.1.沉浸; 浸入2.使沉溺于; 使陷于3.【宗】给...施洗礼immerse one's head in the water把头浸入水中be immersed in debt陷入债务之中immerse oneself among the masses深入群众之中He immersed himself in work so as to stop thinking about her.他埋头于工作以便不再思念她。