
indeedindeedD.J.:[inˈdi:d]K.K.:[ɪnˈdid]adv.1.的确, 确实It is indeed unfortunate!那的确是不幸啊!The possibility of rescue now seemed remote indeed.救援的可能性的确很小。She indeed lives in a fool's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight.她总想一夜暴富, 的确有点想入非非。2.甚至, 其实I didn't mind.Indeed, I was pleased.我不在意, 甚至还很高兴。3.确实, 实在Thank you very much indeed.实在感激你。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难的朋友才是真正的朋友。4.真是, 哦“Are you pleased at our success?”“Yes, indeed.”“你对我们的成功感到欣慰吗?”“是的, 确实感到欣慰。”


indeedindeed[inˈdi:d]adv.1.[表示赞同对方的意见]的确; 实在2.[用以加强very等词的语气]确实, 实在3.[表示让步]当然; 固然4.[表示进一层的意思]甚至5.[表示惊讶、讽刺、轻蔑等]真的; 真是Are you pleased at your son's success? yes, indeed.对你儿子的成功你感到高兴吗?是的, 实在高兴。I was indeed very glad to hear the news.我听到这消息的确非常高兴。These problems are indeeddifficult ones, but I am sure they can be solved.这些问题固然是些难题, 但我相信是能够解决的。There are many good deeds in our class, indeed in the wholeschool.我们班上好事很多, 甚至全校都是这样。 Indeed!Did he say that?真的! 他是那么说的吗?
词性变化indeed[inˈdi:d]int.1.[表示同意、惊讶或反问等]真的!的确!He spoke to me about you.Ohindeed?他曾对我谈起你。哦! 真的吗?