
jostlejostleD.J.:[ˈdʒɔsl]K.K.:[ˈdʒɑsəl]vt.1.挤; 推; 撞The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.运动员们离开赛场时, 被愤怒的人群推搡着。

jostle['dʒɔsl]vt.1.(用肘)推,挤,撞:He jostled his way through a crowd.他从人群中挤过去。The tall man jostled him away.那个高个子男人将他撞到了一边。2.刺激,搅扰,使不安;煽动:The thought jostled his complacency.这想法使他很不安。He jostled the boy into fighting them.他煽动那个男孩与他们打架。3.与…贴近,与…接触:Many cars lay jostling each other at the parking lot.许多汽车在停车场上紧紧挨在一起。4.与…竞争(或争夺):The candidates jostled each other to win the position.候选人为了取得该职位相互激烈竞争。vi.1.挤;推;撞:It was he who jostled against me.是他把我撞到一边的。The crowd jostled out of the cinema.人群推挤着涌出电影院。2.紧挨,贴近3.竞争,争夺:The competitors jostled with one another for bank loans.竞争对手为取得银行贷款相互竞争。4.[美国俚语]扒窃;当扒手n.1.挤;推;撞[亦作 justle]变形vt.jostledjostling

jostlejostle[ˈdʒɔsl]vt.1.(用肘)推, 挤, 撞; 贴近2.剌激, 使激动3.与...争夺jostle one's way through a crowd从人群中挤过去
词性变化jostle[ˈdʒɔsl]vi.1.拥挤, 推撞; 贴近2.竞争, 争夺Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets.巨大的跨国公司[企业]互相争夺国际市场。jostle[ˈdʒɔsl]n.1.拥挤, 推撞

继承用法jostlementn.jostler[ˈdʒɔslə(r)]n.1.推撞者; [美]扒手