
lurelureD.J.:[luə]K.K.:[lʊr]n.1.吸引力He left home because of the lures of life in the city.他离家是由于都市生活的诱惑。2.诱惑物3.诱饵Cheese is really a good lure for mice.奶酪是很好的引诱老鼠的诱饵。vt.1.吸引, 引诱, 诱惑The hunter lured the fox into a trap.猎人诱使狐狸落入陷阱。

lure[ljuə]n.1.诱惑力;吸引力;魅力2.诱惑物3.诱回猎鹰的彩色羽毛4.(狩猎或钓鱼用的)诱饵;鱼饵;囮子vt.1.吸引;引诱;诱惑:The price lured many buyers.这个价格吸引了许多买家。He was lured to destruction.他受诱惑而走向毁灭。2.以诱饵吸引:The animal was lured out of its hole.野兽被诱出了洞。3.(以诱惑物)诱回(猎鹰)近义词enticeinveigle反义词repelalight on the lure上当;上钩[亦作 come (或 stoop) to one's (或the) lure]bring someone to his (或 the) lure引某人上钩变形vt.luredluring

lurelure[ljuə]n.1.用以诱回猎鹰的彩色羽毛2.诱惑物, 透饵3.吸引力, 魅力
词性变化lure[ljuə]vt.1.用诱物把(鹰)诱回2.引诱, 诱惑(away; into; on)