
muck about/around

1. 闲荡; 混日子

"What's he up to? " -- "Oh, just mucking about."

"他在做什么? "――"哦, 不过是在混日子而已。"

2. 耍弄

Give me a straight answer, don't muck me about!

给我一个干脆的回答, 不要耍弄我!

muck in

1. 一起出力, 一起干活; 参加

If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job.

要是我们一起出力, 很快就能把活做完。

muck out

1. 打扫(畜舍)

I've mucked out the henhouses.


muck up

1. 把……弄脏

He fell down and came home with his clothes all mucked up.

他跌了一跤, 一身脏衣服回家。

2. 把……弄糟

My son mucked up the car engine by using cheap, low grade gasoline.

我的儿子使用便宜的低级汽油, 汽车引擎损坏了。

The hoarse tenor singer mucked up the recital.


"How was the exam? " -- "I mucked it up."

"考试情况怎样? "――"我全考砸了。"

as common as muck

1. 举止粗俗; 没有教养

When she starts talking you'll realize that she's as common as muck.

她一开口, 你就会明白这人缺乏教养。

drag through the mud/muck

1. 玷污; 诋毁

Your behavior is causing our reputation to be dragged through the muck.


习惯用语all of a muck (=in a muck)1.[口]浑身是脏; 满身都是...(as) common as muck1.没有教养, 粗鲁drag through the muck1.玷污; 糟蹋make a muck of sth.1.弄脏某物; 把某事弄得一团糟throw muck at sb.1.诋毁某人, 中伤某人Where there's muck there's brass.1.[谚]要挣钱就别怕脏。muck about [around]1.胡闹, 鬼混; 玩弄, 摆弄M-and money go together.1.[谚] 富者不洁; 洁者不富。muck in1.吃(饭)2.一起出力[干活]; 参加muck in with1.与...分享部队口粮2.与...结伴; 与...住在一起3.与...友好相处, 与...一同工作[娱乐]muck out1.打扫马厩(猪圈等); 为...清除粪便muck up1.弄脏2.打乱, 破坏3.把...搞错特殊用法lacustrine muck1.湖泊沉腐泥marsh muck1.沼泽腐殖土slag muck1.废渣swamp muck1.沼泽腐泥tunnel muck1.隧道(挖出的)弃碴