


动词过去式: overed | 动词过去分词: overed | 动词现在分词: overing | 动词第三人称单数: overs |


above | throughout | on | on top of | from | everywhere | entirely | thoroughly | completely | complete | again | afresh | cover | anew | in excess of | upon | aloft | on the other side | over and done with | end | done with | from cover to cover | from end to end | overhead | from stem to stern | from top to bottom | from head to foot | out | once again | once more | from the top | one after the other | in excess | too much | sticking | overhanging | as well | to boot | foot | in addition | head | stern | stem | bottom | top | all over | o'er | so | once | during | time | along | gone by | superior to | all through | after | finished | here and there | touching | about | more than | extent | greater than | concerning | upward of | across | around | for | regarding | until | done | compared to | relative to | in respect to | atop | on the subject of | in reference to | of | one | reference | in connection with | relative | completed | subject | other | too | connection | through | plus | with | close to | across the way | from one to another | compared | from hand to hand | respect | to the ground | upside down | ahead | in reverse | rather | beyond | higher | instead | sooner | preference | down | as | upside | feet | reverse | topsy-turvy | ground | ended | its | the | off | else | concluded | in preference to | rather than | instead of | terminated | another | ahead of | foremost | hand | someone | outranking | better | administrative | commanding | leading | managerial | ranking | side | dominant | near | supervisory | here | and | there | that | high | direction | close | way | much | covering | a | remainder | well | boot | stopped | loftier | dead | powerful | mightier | remaining | extinct | departed | elevated | gone | past | bygone | closed | extra | superior | leftover | surpassing | transcending | additional | outer | left | outside | exceeding | spare | residual | external | unneeded | overpassing | exterior | upper | outdoor | odd | superfluous | unused | to | highest | topmost | uppermost | upward | further | lofty | larger | by | addition | all | upwards | more | than | surplus | excess | in |


under |
