
perchperchD.J.:[pə:tʃ]K.K.:[pɚtʃ]n.1.栖息处, 栖枝, 栖木The bird took its perch.鸟停歇在栖木上。2.高处, 较高的位置We watched the parade from our perch.我们从高处观看游行。3.鲈鱼I like fishing for perch on vacation.我喜欢在假期中钓鲈鱼。vi.1.(鸟)飞落, 暂栖, 停留The bird perched on a big branch.鸟栖息在一根大树枝上。vt. & vi.1.(在较高处或物体边缘)坐着; 把…置于较高或危险处The village is perched on top of a high hill.村子坐落于一个高山顶上。

perch1[pə:tʃ]n.1.【鱼类】2.鲈鱼 (Perca) 尤指金鲈 (Perca flavescens);河鲈 (Perca fluviatilis L.)3.多骨鱼变形n.perchperches perch2[pə:tʃ]n.1.(禽鸟的)栖木;悬挂东西的横条2.(鸟类的)栖枝;栖息处;栖木3.(尤指在高处的)休息处;安全位置(或地位);高位;突出的地位4.杆(英国长度单位 = 5 1/2码);英国面积单位(= 30 1/4平方码);石料容量单位(= 24 3/4立方英尺)5.验布架6.挂物木钉,挂杆;(加工皮革时用的)木条夹具7.(联系前后车轴的)连杆,主轴;架8.皮革的致柔;皮革破绽的弥补9.【海洋学】浮筒顶标;杆形标10.虚荣心;自负11.棒球场的座位vi.1.栖息;(禽鸟等)飞落:The eagles perched on their eyries.老鹰栖息在他们的巢窝上。The boy perched in the tree and called to his friends.小男孩坐在树上,招呼他的朋友们。2.坐在高处;暂歇:He perched happily on a hillside and watched the sea.他高兴地坐在山坡上,望着大海。3.处于高处险峻的位置,高踞:A temple perched on a cliff.一座庙宇耸峙在悬崖之上。vt.1.使(鸟)歇在栖木上;使飞落:Many house swallows perch themselves on the roof of the house.许多家燕飞落在屋顶上。2.放置于高处;使坐落于;使处于:Finally, he is perched on top of society.最终他跻身于社会上层。3.使稍坐;使暂歇:The boy perched himself on the table, his hands gripping the edges of it.小男孩往桌子上一坐,两手抓住桌子边。4.(在验布架上)验布,检查疵点5.[俚语]拥吻;抚爱come off one's (或 your) perch[口语]放下你的臭架子;别那么骄傲自大,别那么神气[参见 come off one's high horse, 见 horse]hop (或 tip over) the perch死;败落knock someone off his perch杀害某人;挫败(或打败)某人;杀杀某人威风打乱某人计划;使某人停止活动 [亦作 throw (或 turn) someone over the perch]tip over the perch死掉

perchperch[pə:tʃ]n.1.(pl. perch, perchs)【动】河鲈鱼