
pluckpluckD.J.:[plʌk]K.K.:[plʌk]n.1.勇气, 精神He is full of pluck.他很有勇气。vt.1.采; 摘; 拔2.弹, 拔vi.1.拉, 拽He plucked at her sleeve to try and get her attention.他不停地拉她的袖子试图引起她的注意。

pluck[plʌk]vt.1.采;摘;拔:Did you pluck your eyebrows?你拔眉毛吗?2.拉;扯;撕:He plucked a sheet of paper from his notebook.他从笔记本上撕下一张纸。3.拔…的毛:Do you remember when you bought a chicken and had to pluck it yourself?你记得什么时候你自己买只鸡,自己退毛的?4.拨,弹(乐器的弦);弹奏(乐器):She often plucks the strings of a guitar at night.她常在深更半夜弹吉他。5.把…从危境中拖出,救起:She was plucked from the jaws of death by Tarzan.泰山把她从死亡边缘救了出来。6.拆毁(常与 down 连用):The chapel was plucked down by the inhabitants of the village.教堂被村里的居民给拆了。7.调动…的职务;使军官退位:The convention plucked him from the pastorate to head the foreign mission board.会议解除他牧师职位调去领导国外布道委员会。8.[英国俚语]在考试中使…落第;不及格:We expected him to be plucked on his tripos.我们预料他在剑桥大学荣誉学位考试中不及格。9.[俚语]诈骗,欺诈10.【地质学】(冰川)拨削,拨蚀(岩石)vi.1.拉,拽;想抓住(常与 at 连用):He plucked at his trouser-knees and sat down.他拉了拉裤膝,坐了下来。2.(乐器)弹,拨:plucking at the wires在弦线上弹奏n.1.(一)拉,(一)拖;(一)扯2.(家禽等供食用的)内脏;拉扯下的东西3.勇气;胆量;毅力4.(弹拨乐器用的)弹拨器5.(图画等的)鲜明,清晰6.[古语](考试的)不及格have a crow to pluck (pick,pull) with someone有事要和某人理论,对某人不满pluck a pigeon骗取傻瓜的钱财pluck asunder扯开pluck up (one’s) heart见 heart

pluckpluck[plʌk]vt.1.采, 摘, 拔, 掐2.拉, 拖, 扯3.抢劫, 诈取4.拆毁(down)5.杀掉...的威风(down)6.弹, 拨(乐器)7.[英俚]使...考试不及格8.【地质】冰川冲走(岩石), 拔蚀9.使...退伍, 调...的职务(多指提升)pluck flower摘花pluck up [out] weeds from the garden在园里拔草pluck a fowl拔鸡毛pluck up courage鼓起勇气pluck the strings of guitar拨吉它的弦He was plucked in the examination.他考试不及格。
词性变化pluck[plʌk]vi.1.拉, 抓, 拽, 抓往(at)The child plucked at its mother's skirt.孩子拉母亲的裙子(引她注意)。pluck[plʌk]n.1.采摘, 拉, 扯2.采[摘、拔、扯]下的东西; 弹拨(吉它等)的工具3.勇气, 胆量, 精神, 毅力4.(能食用的)动物内脏5.[英]考试的不及格6.(图画等的)鲜明, 清晰
