
renderrenderD.J.:[ˈrendə]K.K.:[ˈrɛndɚ]vt.1.报答; 归还; 给予2.呈递; 提供; 开出She needed him to hear her out and render advice.她需要他把话听完并提出建议。You will have to render an account of your expenditure.你的开支必须报账。We are going to render them economic assistance.我们打算向他们提供经济援助。3.演出; 扮演; 演奏The piano concerto was wonderfully rendered.这首钢琴协奏曲演奏得很好。4.翻译The sentence cannot be literally rendered.这个句子不能直译。5.使; 致使You have rendered a great service to the country.你为国家做了一件大事。The shock of the discovery rendered him speechless.这一发现使他吃惊得一句话也说不出来。

render['rendə]vt.1.提出;呈递;汇报;开出(账单等):He rendered a report to the commander-in-chief.他向总司令作了汇报。2.放弃;让与;交出(与 up 连用):They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.他们无法继续抵抗,决定放弃这座城市。3.报答;回报:The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil.古代圣贤教导我们要以德报怨。4.归还;交回(与 back 连用):I've rendered back his money.我已将钱还给了他。5.付给;交纳;纳贡:The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.被征服者只得向征服者称臣纳贡。6.使…成为;使得:His remark rendered me speechless.他的话使我哑口无言。7.提供(帮助等);给予(服务等):They will call on you to render assistance.他们将到你那里去帮助你。8.表达;描绘:I can't render my thought accurately.我不能将我的思想准确地表达出来。He rendered the landscapes of the Netherlands with great skill and artistry.他以高度技巧和艺术才能描绘了荷兰的风景。9.(艺术上)再表现;朗诵;演奏;扮演:She rendered the song beautifully last night.她昨天晚上演唱的歌曲很好听。A good actor renders a character to the life.好演员能将一个人物演得栩栩如生。10.给…重新措词;翻译(常与 in 或into连用):The plays of Shakespeare have been rendered into more than thirty languages.莎士比亚的戏剧已译成三十多种文字。11.说出;泄露:He did not render up military secrets easily to anyone.他不轻易向任何人泄露军事秘密。12.显示;表示:He always rendered obedience to his wife.他对老婆一贯是唯唯诺诺百依百顺。13.宣布;做出(判决等):The higher people's court rendered a judgment of no guilty upon him.高级人民法院宣判他无罪。14.(从咸肉等)提取脂肪;煎熬(常与 down 连用):Lard can be rendered down and used for cooking.猪油可以炼成油,用来炒菜。15.(泥瓦工)打底;抹灰;粉刷:The plasterers were rendering the walls.泥瓦工正在墙上抹灰。vi.1.给予补偿:Under socialist system rendering to a worker is done according to his work.在社会主义制度下是按劳付酬。2.熬油n.1.纳贡;交租(有时用钱,更常用实物或劳役等)2.(抹在墙上的)底灰;底层account rendered【会计学】结欠清单已发出但欠款尚未收回render certain保证;确保

renderrender[ˈrendə]vt.1.报答; 归还(back); 交纳2.提出, 开出(帐单、理由等); 报告, 呈递; 作出(判决等)3.给与(帮忙等); 表示(敬意、服从、关心等)4.让与, 放弃(up); 移交, 托付5.致使, 使变为6.表现, 描写(个性等); 表演, 朗诵, 演奏(音乐等); 翻译(into)7.反映, 反响, 反应8.给...重新措词, 复制9.提取(脂肪), 炼(油)10.放出, 放松(滑车上的索子)11.【建】给...初涂[打底]; 粉刷; 给...抹灰render good for evil以德报怨render a bill开出帐单render thanks to感谢, 报答render a play into English把一个剧本译成英语You have rendered great service.你们帮了很大的忙。
词性变化render[ˈrendə]vi.1.给予补偿n.1.(墙壁的)初涂[打底]; 粉刷; 抹灰2.精制油3.[罕](地租、房租等的)缴纳

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