
retireretireD.J.:[riˈtaiə]K.K.:[rɪˈtaɪr]vt. & vi.1.退职; 退役; (使)退休Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members.人们一旦退休就自动不再是工会会员。Some of the older workers were retired early.有些老工人提前退休了。vi.1.退下; 撤退2.就寝

retire1[ri'taiə]vi.1.退休;退职;退役:According to the new regulations,mining engineers retire at the age of fifty-five.按照新规定,采矿工程师五十五岁退休。He has retired from the army.他已经从部队退役。2.退出;离开;隐退;隐居:She retired to her own room after supper.她吃完晚饭就回到自己的房间。3.就寝:You must retire early as you have to catch the early train tomorrow.你必须早睡觉,因为明天还得赶早班火车。4.撤退;退却;后退:They retired to safer positions behind the frontline.他们撤退到前线后面较安全的阵地。5.隐没;远去:The moon retired from view behind dark clouds.月亮隐没在乌云后面看不见了。6.【棒球】(击球手)出局vt.1.使退休;使退役;辞退;解职:Some of the older workers were retired before time.有些年纪较大的工人不到年龄就被打发退休了。2.撤退;撤回:The headquarters ordered them to retire their troops from the front.司令部命令他们将部队从前线撤回。3.停止使用;报废:They will retire this poor land from agriculture.他们将停止使用这块贫瘠土地,不再种庄稼。4.收回(纸币);偿还(债券等):It is said that the bonds will be retired in the near future.据说公债券不久将被收回。5.赢得并可永久保持(优胜奖杯等)n.1.退隐处,隐蔽去处2.遁世,退隐近义词goretire into oneself退隐,沉默;(沉湎于自己的思想而)离群索居变形vi.retiredretiring retire2[ri'taiə]n.1.【航海学】退移

retireretire[riˈtaiə]vi.1.退下; 离开;【军】撤退2.引退, 退隐[休, 职, 役]3.[正式用语]就寝4.(波浪等)后退; (海岸等)缩退retire from the world离群索居; 退隐(出家当和尚)retire to bed [to rest]就寝retire for the night就寝, 上床去睡retire in disorder溃退retire on a pension领退休金, 退休retire under the age clause因年老退休Heretired from office in disgrace.他受处分被撤职。The football player retired hurt.那个足球运动员受伤退场了。
词性变化retire[riˈtaiə]vt.1.【军】(令)撤退2.使退职[引退], 辞退3.收回(纸币, 债券, 股票等); 付清(证券的本息)4.【体】(棒球)使(打击手)出局retire the troops撤走部队retire a clerk辞退职员retire[riˈtaiə]n.1.退隐; [罕]退隐所;【军】退兵信号sound the (a) retire吹退兵号
