
shyshyD.J.:[ʃai]K.K.:[ʃaɪ]adj.1.怕羞的; 腼腆的Mary is a shy girl.玛丽是一个害羞的女孩。The little girl blazed shy.这个小女孩满脸的羞涩。The boy is shy of strangers.这小孩怕陌生人。She is too shy to go to parties.她很怕羞, 不敢去参加舞会。2.害羞的; 胆怯的Why is the moon so shy that it never shows us the other side of its face?月亮为什么那么害羞, 总不给我们看它的那半边脸?3.有戒心的, 不喜欢…的She is shy of speaking in public.她怯于在公众面前讲话。4.〈美〉缺乏的; 不足的We have a lot of pens, but we're shy on ink.我们有许多钢笔, 但墨水不够。We're still ten men shy of a full class.我们还差十个人才能凑成一个班。vi.1.惊退, 畏缩The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.那匹马听到响声吓得向后倒退, 把骑手摔了下来。Ade bashfully shied.艾德羞得退缩了。

shy1[ʃai]adj.1.害羞的,羞怯的;腼腆的,怕见生人的2.胆小的,胆怯的,畏缩的3.(动物、鱼、鸟等)怕人的,易受惊的4.怀疑的5.迟疑的;怀有戒心的;不愿意的,不喜欢…的(of)6.不足的,缺乏的7.数目不足的,不够数额的8.(动物)不易繁殖的;(植物)不易结果的9.隐蔽的;幽僻的10.声名狼藉的11.[美国口语](赌牌戏中)欠赌注的vi.1.(尤指马)惊退,跳,躲:The horse shied at the snake on the road.那马看到路上的蛇吓得直往后退。2.后退,畏缩:to fear to shy吓得向后退,畏缩不前3.回避(off, away):to shy away the difficulties回避困难4.厌恶(from):to shy from (doing) something厌恶(做)某事n.1.(马)惊退;惊逸be shy of羞于…,对…感到害羞fight shy of逃避,回避,与…不接触look shy at (或 on)投以不信任的(或猜疑的)目光Once bitten, twice shy.[谚语]一次被蛇咬,下次胆小。(或:一次上当,下次小心。)[见 bite]shy away from(因恐惧、害羞等)回避;退缩;羞于变形adj.shyer 或 shiershyest 或 shiest变形n.shies变形vi.shiedshying shy2[ʃai]1.[口语]vt.1.扔,投掷:to shy bad eggs at向…投掷臭鸡蛋vi.1.投掷:A stone shied at him.一块石头抛在了他的身上。n.1.[复数]2.投掷3.[口语]讽刺,嘲弄4.[口语]尝试have (或 take) a shy at someone嘲弄某人have (或 make) a shy at something[口语]尝试着做某事击中某物;想得到某物变形vt.shiedshying

shyshy[ʃai]n.1.投扔, 乱丢2.[口]嘲弄, 讥笑3.[口]尝试, 企图; 目标; 机会
词性变化shy[ʃai]vt.,vi.1.乱投(at)have a shy at