
siftsiftD.J.:[sift]K.K.:[sɪft]vt. & vi.1.筛, 筛滤He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.他躺在沙滩上用手筛砂子玩。2.细查, 详审She sifted through her papers to find the lost letter.她仔细在文件中寻找那封丢失的信。

sift[sift]vt.1.用筛筛分,筛选;过滤:to sift the fuel to the engine滤清至发动机的燃用油2.撒,撒布:to sift salt onto the steak往肉排上撒盐末3.使分开;区分;挑选,精选:to sift good from bad区分好与坏4.细查,详查;仔细审问:to sift the evidence仔细查证证据vi.1.筛:Has the flour sifted?面粉过筛了吗?2.被筛下:the ore that sifts被筛下的矿石3.(有如过筛似的)落下,撒下,通过:Heavy snow is sifting onto the ground.满天大雪撒落在大地上。4.细查;探究:to sift through something细查某物5.挑选;精选:to sift in the box for a button在盒中挑选纽扣

siftsift[sift]vt.1.筛, 筛分; 过滤; 精选; 细查; 清理2.在.. 上撒 (胡椒等) (over; upon)sift the cinders筛煤渣sift gold from sand沙里淘金sift sugar on to a cake筛撒糖在糕饼上sift the evidence细查证据
词性变化sift[sift]vi.1.被筛下2.精选; 细审; 详查(into)3.落进; (雪等) 纷落The snow sifted softly down.大雪纷纷落下。