
suspendsuspendD.J.:[səˈspend]K.K.:[səˈspɛnd]vt.1.暂停, 终止Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.冲突双方同意暂时停火。The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.总统废止了宪法, 独揽大权。2.悬, 挂, 吊A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.天花板上吊着一盏灯。

suspend[sə'spend]vt.1.吊,悬,挂:A painting of Ingres was suspended on the wall.一幅安格尔的绘画挂在墙上。a chandelier suspended from the ceiling吊在天花板上的枝形吊灯2.使挂接,使悬接:to suspend a door on a hinge把门挂接在合叶上3.使悬浮:to suspend solid particles in a liquid在某种液体中使固体颗粒悬浮4.使搁置,使悬而不决:to suspend one's judgment对某人暂不做出判决to suspend a suggestion of setting free the political prisoners暂不考虑释放政治犯的提议5.推迟,使延期:The meeting has been suspended to next week.该会议已推迟到下星期召开。to suspend the sentence on a convicted person对某罪犯暂缓宣判6.使暂停,使中止:to suspend operations暂停运行to suspend payment中止付款7.使(法律、政策等)暂时失效,暂时取消:to suspend one's business licence暂时吊销某人的营业执照to suspend ferry service暂时取消渡轮服务8.暂时禁止,暂令(某人)停止(活动等):He was suspended from school.他被勒令停学。9.使具悬念,使处于焦虑不安状态:Finish the story. Don't suspend us in midair.把故事讲下去,别让我们等得着急。10.【音乐】使(音调)延长,使延长到下一个和音vi.1.吊,悬,挂2.暂停;暂时停办3.无力支付,停止偿付债务4.悬浮近义词adjournexclude

suspendsuspend[səsˈpend]vt.1.吊起, 悬挂2.使停职[学], 除名3.悬而未决; 保留(承诺, 判断等); 暂时不做判决[决定]; 推迟、缓期(执行)4.中止, 暂停, 暂时作废5.【化】使悬浮suspend a lamp from the ceiling把灯从天花板挂下suspend payment暂停付款suspend talks中止谈判suspend diplomatic relations中止外交关糸Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.汤姆因为行为不端被停学一周。The sentence was two years'hard labour suspended for a year.判处强劳两年, 缓期执行一年。
词性变化suspend[səsˈpend]vi.1.暂停, 中止2.悬(浮); 挂3.【商】无力支付, 宣布破产Balloons suspend easily in the air.气球容易浮在空中。

继承用法suspender[səˈspendə(r)]n.1.[常作复]吊杆; 吊材; 挂钩; 挂篮; (裤子的)背带; (制革)吊鞣池suspendibleadj.1.可中止的, 可中断的2.可暂停的suspendingn.1.悬浮, 悬浊, 悬置