

1. The case had been confused and left unsettled because of the stubborn Xues'powerful connections.


2. Do you also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the For eign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade?


3. Thu December 7th The papers are full of Shevchenko being unsettled again, and unhappy with Mourinho, and once again the club has to put out a statement that all is well.


4. In Italy between the year 1520 and 1600, the High Renaissance has declined.Michelangelo and Raphael had made their art so perfect, people after them felt rather unsettled.


5. In the 19th century territorial conflicts between Abu Dhabi, Masqat and Oman, and the ancestors of the present ruling class of Saudi Arabia led to border disputes, most still unsettled.


6. An unsettled question: Is the action, which is based on being afraid of being punished endlessly, considered as virtuous or fainthearted?


7. "In China the spinners and weavers have suffered greatly under this foreign competition, and the community has become unsettled in proportion.


8. An unsettled issue.


9. A major unsettled issure is the short-run division of a change in nominal income between output and price.


10. A number of unsettled players have remained, however, unable to move away from an environment which views them as outcasts.


11. An unsettled lifestyle.


12. Many were caught talking and the two guards had a busy time in beating people. It was evidently the new year that unsettled everyone.


13. The presents of an increasing number of Chinese people in Namibia has more than just somewhat unsettled the locals.


14. Was he still walking or was he standing stall? He was conscious only of a seesaw motion as if rocking on some black sea, and the darkness merged with his sensations, unsettled and confused.


15. His nearness unsettled her even more; why couldn't he sit somewhere else.


16. Before quitting their jobs at patent agencies, patent agents must appropriately conclude unsettled commissioned cases.


17. When a patent agency goes out of business,it shall,after appropriately handling all unsettled affairs,report to the authorities that endorsed its opening and the latter shall be responsible for going through all necessary procedures as CAP.


18. The promise of a new life on the Western frontier beckons Laura Ingalls and her family as they make the long journey across unsettled territory.


19. After that, in the light of the experiences of social intermediate organizations abroad, the paper reflects on the problems unsettled at home and puts forward its strategies.


20. The dispute remains unsettled.


21. The problem with vastly euthanizing large populations of people that were deemed unfit for Atlantis society was that the karma for the given life went unsettled.


22. Men spoke highly of Khakassia's soil,which was rich,and slightingly of its climate,which was unsettled and dry.


23. Today, people are convinced that there is no unsettled issue, by advancing this IWD operation and keeping it running, with regard to the question of “Che vuoi?


24. They all felt restless and unsettled.


25. As he read in college the rationalistic Western philosophers of the nineteenth century, his boyhood faith in God and religion was unsettled.


26. He accepts that Gallas is unsettled at Chelsea, but believes he will stay and honour his contract.


27. He had an unsettled childhood.


28. Living alone unsettled his nerves.


29. His use of the word " disease" is a pun, because it implies that it is like an " ailment, with its own symptoms and cure," but also that the root cause is also a feeling of " dis " ease, or unsettled uneasiness.


30. He was altogether too unsettled in his mind over it, to appreciate the pie comfortably.


31. The arbitration tribunal has the power to affirm the validity of a contract, as well as unsettled procedural issues in arbitration.


32. But unsettled contract situations have put the participation of Anderson Varejao and Rafael Araujo in doubt.

但合同问题使得安德森-瓦莱乔和拉菲尔 ‧阿劳约入选国家队一直悬而未决。

33. But the basic reason why they are not in a hurry to buy a new home is that most of them feel unsettled.


34. Fiorentina sports chief Pantaleo Corvino won't consider selling Frey in midseason and is confident the ex-Parma No1 won't be unsettled by Milan's fresh interest.


35. And you, do not seek what you shall eat and what you shall drink, and do not be unsettled.


36. Your account remains unsettled, and it is already a month.


37. Do you also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred t o the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Promotion of International Trade ?


38. Do you agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Promotion of International Trade?


39. Do you also agreethe condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referredthe For eign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade?


40. MY CHILD, if you place your peace in any creature because of your own feeling or for the sake of his company, you will be unsettled and entangled.


41. You talked of her mind being unsettled.


42. It had been the smallest event of all that had unsettled him the most.


43. The unsettled problems in synthesizeing high quality nanotubes and purifying the nanotubes baffle the reseaching work.


44. So that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well that we were destined for them.


45. NIV so that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well that we were destined for them.


46. If there is no any other representative office in China, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be borne by the foreign insurance institution itself.


47. Any unsettled issues shall be discussed separately by the two parties.


48. But Vancouver is not the point, the point is the separations.How many unsettled souls were lef behind?


49. The cold war has unsettled people's minds.


50. KETSANA's southeasterly airflow in its northeastern quadrant is interacting with the northeast monsoon to bring unsettled weather to Hong Kong.


51. KETSANA's southeasterly airflow in its northeastern quadrant may interact with the northeast monsoon to bring unsettled weather to Hong Kong in the next two days.


52. Chelsea may use the unsettled Sheva as a bargaining chip in a part-exchange deal and are said to be unfazed by the high valuation.


53. Chelsea and Liverpool are expected to move for unsettled Barcelona midfielder Deco.


54. Williams Gallas'agent claims Arsenal want to sign the unsettled Chelsea defender.


55. Le Guen also admitted he was a fan of Lyon's unsettled forward Sylvain Wiltord, but has ruled out a move for the former Arsenal man.


56. "Being single is no longer synonymous with being immature, unsettled in life and irresponsible.


57. Under the influence of an active southwest monsoon, the weather remained unsettled with heavy rain and severe thunderstorms in July.


58. Issue statement to supplier and clear the unsettled goods receipts or invoices on time.


59. Take two steps north to the unsettled future, south to unquiet past, east into present day, or west into the great unknown.


60. Like LeBron, Hughes will also become a free agent next summer, but his future and present for that matter remain unsettled.


61. In their closing pages, these companies when they move to the unsettled, and often corrupt, economies of developing countries.


62. It is still an unsettled issue that under what conditions and what incentive system can private supply of public goods be initiated.


63. The already unsettled international markets saw a last mad rush into the US stock markets, causing a sharp drop in the capital available to developing countries.


64. Drogba's long-term future at Chelsea has been the subject of conjecture for some time with the Ivory Coast international thought to be unsettled in West London.


65. The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in the racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers.


66. The Ivory Coast star has become unsettled in West London following the departure of manager Jose Mourinho.


67. As screaming fans unsettled their Ukrainian opponents, the duowon their third match in barely 36 hours after a number of matches hadto be rescheduled because of rain. (U.


68. The looming expiries this week of lock-up periods for a large volume of shares also unsettled investors.


69. The weather has been very unsettled(= it has changed a lot).


70. The weather looks rather doubtful,ie unsettled.


71. The weather looks rather doubtful, ie unsettled.


72. Obama again urged Iran to desist from any nuclear weapons ambitions, and said a region that was already unsettled did not need a race for ever more powerful weapons.


73. She does not like his unsettled habits.


74. Her father, tall, stooped, balding, and a former government clerk, was clearly unsettled by my arrival.


75. All dispute, if unsettled, shall be referred to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the CCPIT for arbitration .


76. All dispute,if unsettled,shall be referred to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the CCPIT for arbitration.


77. If you read my previous lesson on the blues scale, you will remember that the blues-tonality is unstable and unsettled, because you play a minor of scale over major chords.


78. The numbers are shocking testimony to the unsettled sexual landscape in Korea, where mores are shifting too quickly for the system to catch up.


79. The Dutchman has been linked with the Blues job, with reports claiming he has been lined up to replace the unsettled Jose Mourinho.


80. The question of school discipline has remained unsettled, remaining at the talking stage for many years.

