
usherusherD.J.:[ˈʌʃə]K.K.:[ˈʌʃɚ]n.1.引座员, 招待员, 迎宾员The usher seated them in the front row.引座员让他们在前排就座。2.门房, 传达员3.助理教员, 助教vt.1.引, 领, 陪同The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道到我的座位上去。

usher['ʌʃə]n.1.(戏院、教堂等公共场所的)引座员;招待员2.(法院等处的)门房,传达员3.(给贵宾)领路人;先导人员4.(婚礼上的)迎宾员5.[英国古语]助理教员vt.1.引导,带领;招待;陪同:I was ushered into the headmaster's office by my teacher.老师领着我进入了校长的办公室。2.使开始;迎来(常与 in 连用):The rising sun ushered in a new day.旭日的升起迎来了新的一天。When was the atomic age ushered in?原子时代是什么时候开始的?3.先导;预报…的来到;展示 (常与 in 连用):It ushered in the new theater season.它预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临。vi.1.作引座员(或招待员);担任前导:She ushered at the banquet.她在宴会上作招待员。

usherusher[ˈʌʃə]n.1.(电影院, 戏院等公共场所的)招待员, 引座员2.门房, 传达员3.[美]婚礼中的迎宾招待员, [英]皇室礼宾官4.[英]助理教员
词性变化usher[ˈʌʃə]vt.1.引导, 招待2.预报, 预示, 开创3.迎接; 引进; 宣告; 展示(in)He ushered me into the drawing room.他把我引进客厅。The October Revolution ushered in a new era in the history of mankind.十月革命开创了人类历史的新纪元。The students ushered in the new term.学生们迎来了新的学期。usher[ˈʌʃə]vi.1.充当招待员, 接待员
