
by/in virtue of

1. 由于; 凭借

He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness.

由于长期生病, 他申请救助金。

习惯用语by [in] virtue of1.靠...的力量, 由于 (He was promoted by virtue of his ability. 他是靠他的才能被提升的。)civic virtue1.公民道德have the virtue of1.具有...长处[优点]make a virtue of necessity1.爽爽快快地做非做不可的事, 将就不如意的情况negative virtue1.消极的美德(未行善也未作恶)of easy virtue1.不贞节的, 水性扬花的public virtue1.公德the cardinal virtue1.四种基本美德(即: prudence 谨慎; fortitude 坚毅; temperance 克制; justice 公正)the theological virtues (=Christian virtues)1.(基督教徒的)三德(即: faith 信; hope 望; charity 爱)V-is her [its] own reward.1.[谚]德行的报酬就是德行本身。