
worthworthD.J.:[wə:θ]K.K.:[wɚθ]adj.1.(表示比率)值(多少钱), 值得The picture is worth at least twenty pounds.这张图片至少值二十英镑。The novel is worth reading.这部小说值得一读。2.(表示归属)拥有(财产等)n.1.价值

worth1[wə:θ]n.1.价值;货币价值2.物质价值;品格3.值(若干)的量4.个人价值,长处5.财产,财富adj.1.值得…的;有…价值的;贵重的2.值…的,相当于…价值的3.拥有…价值财产的prep.1.值…钱,相当于…价值2.值得…,有…价值3.拥有…财产近义词valuefor all one is worth[美国口语]竭尽余力,拼命地,尽一切可能,尽量地for all (或 what) it is不管其价值如何;不论其真伪get one's money's worth上算,花钱值得of great worth价值很高的of little worth不足道的,价值不高的of no worth没有价值的not worth the paper it is (或 they are) written (或 printed) on见paperput in one's two cents worth发表意见,发言;毫无顾虑地说出意见We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.[谚语]井干方知水可贵。worth it[口语]值得一干,值得花精力(或时间)worth one's salt见 salt¹worth (one's) while[口语]值得(某人)花时间(或精力)的;有利益的,合算的;有用的[亦作 worth it]worth one's weight in gold见gold worth2[wə:θ]vt.1.[古语]发生;降临:woe worth the day今天真倒霉

worthworth[wə:θ]adj.[用作表语, 后接名词或动名词作宾语]1.值, 相等于...的价值2.值得...的, 有...的价值的3.拥有...价值的财产What is it worth?(或How much is it worth?)这值多少钱?It is worth£500. 它值五百镑。It's not worth the paper it's printed on.它(文章等)的价值抵不上用来印它的纸张。The rarer it is, the more it is worth.物以稀为贵。It's worth seeing [hearing, reading]值得一看[一听, 一读]be worth notice [the trouble]值得注意[费点事]It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.这地方值得参观。It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the problem.这个问题值得讨论一下。He is worth a million.他是百万富翁。
词性变化worth[wə:θ]n.1.价值2.[wEW] 值一定金额的数量of great [little] worth价值很大[小]的ten dollars' worth of apples十美元的苹果=beworth little)几乎没有价值Give me two yuan's worth of eight-fen stamps. 给我二元钱八分邮票。be little worth[诗] (worth[wə:θ]vt.1.(=befall)[古] 发生, 落到...上Woe worth the day!今天真倒霉!

继承用法worthful[ˈwɜ:θfʊl]adj.1.有极大功劳的; 有价值的worthless[ˈwɜ:θlɪs]adj.
