
whisperwhisperD.J.:[ˈhwispə]K.K.:[ˈhwɪspɚ, ˈwɪs-]vt. & vi.1.低声说, 耳语, 嘀咕Did she whisper in your ear at the meeting?开会时, 她跟你私下交谈了吗?She whispered a story.她低声讲故事。He whispered that he had got a new job.他低声说他已找到了新工作。He whispered the news to me.他私下告诉我这个消息。I whispered him not to make any noise.我低声告诉他别出声。She whispered to me that his temperature was up again.她低声对我说他的体温又上升了。vi.1.沙沙地响The wind was whispering in the pines.风在松林中沙沙作响。n.1.轻柔的飒飒(风)声; 低语, 耳语, 私语They were talking in whispers.他们在悄悄地谈话。This fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed.这部优良的发动机全速开动时也只发出一点点沙沙声。2.传闻, 谣言I've heard a whisper that he's going to resign.我听到了一个传闻说他准备辞职。

whisper['hwispə]vi.1.低声地说:Stop whispering in pairs.别交头接耳了。2.耳语,窃窃私语;密谈:to whisper to someone对某人耳语3.(树叶等)发出沙沙声;(风等)发出飒飒声vt.1.低声低语地讲:The girl came in and whispered something in the teacher's ear.那个女孩进来对老师耳语了几句。2.私下说;秘密地告诉:What happened in the factory is being whispered about the neighborhood.工厂里发生的事正在附近居民中私下传说。3.【语言学】耳语式发音(指声带不发出振动的一种发音方法)n.1.低声细语2.3.悄悄话4.传闻;谣传;暗示5.沙沙声;飒飒声6.微量,少许7.【语言学】耳语音give someone the whisper给某人以暗示;对某人说悄悄话in the pig's whisper[口语]低声地一会儿,不大的功夫[亦作 in less than the pig's whisper]stage whisper(舞台上的)旁白故意讲给别人听的耳语

whisperwhisper[ˈ(h)wispə]vi.1.低语; 耳语2.(树叶等)作沙沙声; 作飒飒声3.悄悄说whisper to one's neighbor向邻座人耳语The wind whispered in forest.风在林中飒飒作响。
词性变化whisper[ˈ(h)wispə]vt.1.低声述说; 秘密告诉It is whispered that ...据秘密传闻She whispered the news in my ear.她对我悄悄说了这个消息。whisper[ˈ(h)wispə]n.1.耳语; 私语2.秘密的传闻3.沙沙声; 飒飒声4.悄悄话5.微量speak in a whisper低声说Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced.几乎一点点关心也未曾表示过。

继承用法whisperern.1.低声说话的人; 拨弄是非的人; 告密者; [美](剧中)提词人