
slapslapD.J.:[slæp]K.K.:[slæp]vt. & vi.1.掌击; 拍打The waves slapped against the boat.波浪拍打着小船。If you touch me again I'll slap your face!你若再碰我一下, 我就打你耳光。vt.1.制止; 镇压They slapped the workers who had gone on strike.他们对参加罢工的工人大加镇压。n.1.掌击I gave the scoundrel a slap in the face.我打了那坏蛋一耳光。adv.1.直接; 径直; 恰恰; 正好This path leads slap to the playground.这条小路直接通到运动场。The thief ran slap into a policeman.那小偷与警察撞个满怀。

slap1[slæp]n.1.拍,拍击;一拍,一巴掌2.拍击声,掌击声;(其他物体碰撞的)啪啪声3.侮辱;申斥;非难;打击,挫伤vt.1.用手掌(或其他扁平物)拍击,打:to slap the door拍门She slapped him on his face.她打了他一记耳光。2.用…拍打(或拍击):to slap one's hand against the wall用手拍墙3.啪的一声掷下,用劲扔:to slap one's bag down扔下书包to slap the book down on the table啪的一声把书掷在桌上4.口头攻击;斥责;侮辱:He was slapped for his shouting.他因大喊大叫而受到斥责。5.[口语]漫不经心地放;快速放置(on):to slap the glass on the sofa把酒杯漫不经心地放在沙发上He slapped mustard on the sandwich.他把芥末很快地涂在三明治上。6.[主英国口语]涂抹:to slap lipstick on one's month往嘴上涂抹口红7.[口语]课(税);处予(罚金),处(某人)以罚款;强加:to slap a new tax on在…上课以新税种to slap 50 dollars for one's random parking因乱停车被罚50美元8.[口语]对…提起诉讼;向…递交(传票):to slap somebody向某人提出诉讼vi.1.拍,拍打:to slap on the table拍桌子2.拍击;撞击:The high waves slaps against the cliff.惊涛拍岸。to slap against the door啪啪地撞击着门adv.1.[口语]2.猛然,突然3.直接,一下子;迎面4.正好,恰好a slap in the face[口语]一记耳光挫折,打击;侮辱a slap on the back[口语]表扬,称赞a slap on the wrist[口语]温和的警告;轻微的处罚slap someone in the face见 faceslap someone on the back见 backslap someone on the wrist见 wrist变形vt.slappedslapping slap2[slæp; slɑ:p]n.1.[苏格兰英语]2.(围墙等的)豁口,缺口3.山间小道vt.1.在…上开缺口变形vt.slappedslapping

slapslap[slæp]n.1.一拍, 一巴掌, 击拍声2.侮辱; 拒绝; 伤(自尊心等)3.尝试4.【机】松动(声)He gave her a slap on the cheek.他打了她一耳光。
词性变化slap[slæp]vt.(slapped, slapping)1.打, 拍击, 啪的一声关上2.啪的一声放下(down); 猛掷; 漫不经心地扔掉3.攻击, 侮辱, 申斥4.肆意强加; 任意涂; 任意征税5.取缔, 依法对付slap sb.'s face (=slap sb. in the face)打某人的耳光slap sb. on the shoulder拍某人肩膀They slapped him with a summons.他们对他发出传票依法处理。slap[slæp]vi.1.用手猛拍, 拍(声)vt.1.用粗灰泥涂2.草拟(计划等)adv.1.突然地2.直接地n.1.草率; 卤莽2.粗制滥造的东西3.打底子用的粗灰泥

继承用法slap-bangadv.1.鲁莽地; 喧闹地2.立刻; 马上

词性变化slap[slæp]adj.1.草率的slapdab[ˈslæpdæb]adv.1.正好; 恰恰slapdash[ˈslæpdæʃ]adj., adv.1.匆促的[地], 草率的[地], 鲁莽的[地]; 恰恰地; 直接地n.1.鲁莽的行动[工作, 方法]slapdashery[ˈslæpˌdæʃərɪ]n.1.草率; 不整齐; 杂乱slap-happyadj.1.[俚]被打得头昏眼花的; 轻率的; 愚笨的; 振奋的; 得意忘形的slapjack[ˈslæpdʒæk]n.[美]1.烤焙的薄饼2.一种简单牌戏slapstick[ˈslæpstɪk]n.1.击板; 敲板(打人不痛但声音响亮, 演闹剧常用的板)2.下等闹剧adj.1.粗鲁滑稽剧的slap-upadj.1.[俚]上等的; 最新式的; 彻底的slapern.